an update of last Saturday's with family. went to Classic Interior Design to enquire about renovating our home. spent like almost 2 hours there as parents talked to the guy about choosing wat type of renovation. and my siblings and i got to choose our own room colors. there were so much stuff we discussed about. it was fun though. haha.

this is candid, my face wasnt suppose to be like that!

as for dinner, travelled back to Tampines. had our meals at Fish. it was my 1st time dining in there. would love to go there again, this time maybe with friends or a date. k cool. haha. ohyes, a guy waiter working there asked my sis for her number. but his face bopien sakk, cannot make it one. hahaha!

bapak aku step cute ajeeeee.

1st time see mum eat this. she dont eat western food because she orang kampung, only eat malay food. haha. but she loves prawns so when she saw lobsters on the menu, she ordered it straight away.

lastly before we headed home, we all dropped by a clinic near our house. im sick sia. yes, the whole day while im out i've been sneezing and disposing packets of tissue into the bin. i couldnt take it much longer and decided to go see doctor. luckily the clinic hasnt closed yet. my face in those pictures above doesnt show how sick i was because i was just trying to look pleasant for the camera. haha. and guess what, the doctor gave a 1 day MC on Monday, which is the reason why im blogging right now. if not, this blog will be dead as im too busy with school. i needed this MC so much so i could rest and have some time doing my own stuff at home. hate school. haha.
at clinic pun nk take picture. prangai mcam abg nye jgk!
so as soon as i reached home, tried on the new pair of streetsoccer shoe which i bought at Tampines1. just a simple Nike Mercurial but very light, easier and faster to run. im so glad that i can wear this new baby when i play streetsoccer. usually i wear my old BATA shoe which was also my secondary school shoe. so pathetic right and every time i wear that old shoe, my feet will get blisters all over. so yeah, parents agreed to buy me a new one. all thanks to them for making my wish come true. thank you very much daddy and mummy for the great day, eventhough i was sick and was a lil irritating when i kept asking for more tissue. (:
eye-catching color, attracts attention
thank god im feeling better than ever before. apetite is coming back, not like when im sick and i eat very little. oh my goodness. been 5th week of school, 16 more weeks left. but project is improving at a slow rate. i hope my othr 2 group members are doing fine with the project without me today. sorry guys, nari aku dudok umah goyang kaki uh. hehe. anyway, cant wait for outing on this coming Saturday. going out with Ally Shahirah. yay! (:
as for dinner, travelled back to Tampines. had our meals at Fish. it was my 1st time dining in there. would love to go there again, this time maybe with friends or a date. k cool. haha. ohyes, a guy waiter working there asked my sis for her number. but his face bopien sakk, cannot make it one. hahaha!
lastly before we headed home, we all dropped by a clinic near our house. im sick sia. yes, the whole day while im out i've been sneezing and disposing packets of tissue into the bin. i couldnt take it much longer and decided to go see doctor. luckily the clinic hasnt closed yet. my face in those pictures above doesnt show how sick i was because i was just trying to look pleasant for the camera. haha. and guess what, the doctor gave a 1 day MC on Monday, which is the reason why im blogging right now. if not, this blog will be dead as im too busy with school. i needed this MC so much so i could rest and have some time doing my own stuff at home. hate school. haha.
so as soon as i reached home, tried on the new pair of streetsoccer shoe which i bought at Tampines1. just a simple Nike Mercurial but very light, easier and faster to run. im so glad that i can wear this new baby when i play streetsoccer. usually i wear my old BATA shoe which was also my secondary school shoe. so pathetic right and every time i wear that old shoe, my feet will get blisters all over. so yeah, parents agreed to buy me a new one. all thanks to them for making my wish come true. thank you very much daddy and mummy for the great day, eventhough i was sick and was a lil irritating when i kept asking for more tissue. (:
thank god im feeling better than ever before. apetite is coming back, not like when im sick and i eat very little. oh my goodness. been 5th week of school, 16 more weeks left. but project is improving at a slow rate. i hope my othr 2 group members are doing fine with the project without me today. sorry guys, nari aku dudok umah goyang kaki uh. hehe. anyway, cant wait for outing on this coming Saturday. going out with Ally Shahirah. yay! (: