hello readers! as i've promised, im gonna start updating. feels great to be blogging again. haha. reason i get to blog is because, school is now officially over. im so pleased as now i have all the time for myself. yay! im so glad to be leaving school early at 1pm just now. only halfday for Muslims uh, the rest stay till 5.30pm. haha. its unfair i know but who cares.
anyway, its Hari Raya! photos above are on 3 separate years. from my oh-so-irritating long hair to being 18 year old and finally this year's new color baju raye. i cant wait to go visiting! like seriously, just think about all the food. omg food galore man! and yes, this year raye is gonna be something different. raye with Baby. *winks*
for goodness sake, i just realised my house hasnt even bought a single kuih raye. cant believe this man. house still messy due to renovation. mum even said that we wont be expecting visitors to our house this year because the house isnt fully ready. oh man, i really wanna invite my friends but considering the situation of the house, i cant. how sad. and yes about kuih raye, i miss the old times when my siblings and i would help mum bake kuih raye. that was last tym when mum wasnt working because we were small and she had to take care of the 3 of us. haha. but now for the past 3 years, especially this year, everything has changed. mum busy with work, the 3 of us also busy with school and stuff. we rarely had time to bake kuih raye. haish. not only my house will be closed to everyone, not even a single kuih raye on the table! if buy also no use la, the people in the house would eat it anyway. haha. especially people like me who sneaks up to the table and eat all the kuih raye. hehe.
i think thats all for today's update. will be more in the future so stay tune. im so hungry already, hasnt eaten anything for buke. dad just reached home with food. its Arnold baby! haha. yummy yummy. ok till here, Selamat Hari Raye! (: