den wen i wen out of da library but it was still raining heavily. so nvm, i waited outside till da rain fades abit. while waiting i saw tis 2 gal frm Tampines Sec juz came out frm da library. i didnt notice dem at 1st but den wen i turned, i saw bof of dem. k la, i only had my eyes on 1 of dem. she's d one wif a toncet n wearing a blue+white bag. seriously wen i 1st looked at her my eyes were glued 2 her face. hahahah.... she only glanced at me coz she was using her hp. but in dat few seconds, i tell u, i still had a clear vision of how she looks like rite now. her face....... fuuuhhhyyyooooooo!!!! very pretty n da most of all, damn cute! hehe! but i tink she hav bf oredi. confirm one uh coz sum1 pretty n cute lyk her mesti dh berpunye. den wen they walked away, i was lyk saying 2 myself "hey, dat gal reali attracts my attention man. nk mintak nombor ke tk eh?" hahahah! well, my dad once said "klau nk knl2 tk slh pe. mintak nombor den uat kwn je pe. bukannye takotkn org lain." yeah, my dad's rite. but hey, i was too shy skali kene sepak camane? hahahha... i mean who wldnt b shy wen u ask sum1 4 their number out in da streets. its lyk weird u noe. haha...
and ya, 2 dat gal, i hope we'll meet again sum othr tym ya. im gonna rmb ur face n wen i do c u outside, i'll say hi n mayb ask 4 ur number. tk slh pe mintak nombor, aslkn niat baik nk uat kwn. btol tk?? hahahahha.... and gal, do takecare! (:
ok, enuf abt gals. haha! now left 1 more day b4 raye! wwoooohhhhhooooo!!!!!!!!!!!! cant wait 4 raye. pls eh, bukan psl duit raye tau. tu smue adek2 je yg nk. 4 me, i'll b looking 4 food food food n more food! hehehehe.... sory tau if i go ur hse den habiskn smue mkn. tk kesah la kuih ke lauk ke nasi ke mee ke.... as long as its food, i'll dump it in my stomache. hohohohohoho.....
finally, all i wanna say is dat 2 whoever dat noes me or i noe u, saye nk mintak maaf klau ade uat silap ke atau uat kamu marah ke apape la yg telah menyakitkn hati sekalian smue. harap2 sekalian memaafkn saye ok. *crying rabak gile nye* hahhahahah! cam phm je aku ni. -_-"
k la, u all takecare k. sesape yg nk uat kuih raye or kemas umah or pasang langsir or pape la eh, gi uat tkmo lambat2 coz dh nk raye tau ni. lastly, kepada smue umat Islam di dunia ni, saye ingin mengucapkn SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI!!!!!!! (:
*sory eh my font no color coz lazy 2 change la*