an update of last week's outing with Baby. she wanted to celebrate my birthday in advance so yeah. haha. went for iceskating, didnt want to ask much from her coz i think i'd rather spend quality time with her than receiving lotsa presents from her. anyway, i thought iceskating was fun enough. Baby was kinda frustrated that i learnt how to skate much quicker than her. it was my 1st time while it was the 2nd time for her. eh Baby, i can skate faster than you! hehe. and yes, i fell 3 times. the 4th one i fell together with Baby. was holding her hands to guide her but somehow something happened and we both crashed to the ground like nangke busok! hahaha.. of course it was frightening to fall but the experience was great, furthermore falling with the person you love the most. haha.
after iceskating, waited for Baby to change to her dress as she's attending her school concert later on. went for an early dinner at Marina Square and then slacked at Esplanade, where we waited for the concert to start. while she had her concert, i spent my time sitting at Marina Square Starbucks. blasted my ears with MP3 music and luckily i brought along the book which i borrowed from Nelly. haha. i read half the book in that 2 hours sia. and the more i read the more sleepy i get. the White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks isnt helping much to stop me from being sleepy. haha. finally she called saying the concert just ended and so, picked her up at Cityhall mrt and sent her home.
after iceskating, waited for Baby to change to her dress as she's attending her school concert later on. went for an early dinner at Marina Square and then slacked at Esplanade, where we waited for the concert to start. while she had her concert, i spent my time sitting at Marina Square Starbucks. blasted my ears with MP3 music and luckily i brought along the book which i borrowed from Nelly. haha. i read half the book in that 2 hours sia. and the more i read the more sleepy i get. the White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks isnt helping much to stop me from being sleepy. haha. finally she called saying the concert just ended and so, picked her up at Cityhall mrt and sent her home.
look closely at the lady in the video. she looks like Nelly! hahaha..