thats Nur Syahirah. i think she looks gorgeous in baju raye. lol. anyway, life's been great with her around. the girl is a total pleasure, i swear. she understands how i feel. yeah at times she's a lil irritating or could even boils me with her behaviour but thats what she's about. haha. love you la babe, muacks!
nelly! bestie i miss you loads man! kinda disappointed though that we couldnt meet up last week. been looking forward to see ya. been months since we went out. but its ok. haha. hey your birthday is just around the corner huh? and hell yeah, you've got quite a long list for your presents when i visited your blog. lol. i'll definitely try to arrange a meet up to celebrate your birthday. hmm now lets see what should i get you for a present. i've no idea. lol. anyway, nelly has grown up alot since we got to know each other. how i miss those days when she loves to be pampered. hehe. ohya, i bet she's grown taller than me now. wonder what she eats. lol.
the biggest event of this year was F1. absolutely delighted when i finally got the tickets. now i can already cancel F1 from my 'Needs and Wants' list. lol.
err can i say something about my hair? i got it cut last weekend. Baby accompanied me to a salon and she commented my hair like ahbeng. lol. i didnt know what she was talking about till the next day when i applied wax to go out, i realised there's a tail at the back. no wonder. haha. i love this new style though. (: