was chatting with my polymate. here's part of the conversation.
SaiFudDin: wei!.
SaiFudDin: eh ko tgh love is in the air ke pe?.
Herman Gustavo: huh?? haha
SaiFudDin: ahahah...
SaiFudDin: ko puye nickname..
SaiFudDin: nak girlfriend name ilyza ixora?
SaiFudDin: haha..susah sak nak carik org name ade x pat dlm..
Herman Gustavo: susah yg best, mesti lawa nye hahahhaha
SaiFudDin: hahaha..the best one deserves the best treatment..
Herman Gustavo: they've come 2 da rite guy
cam phm sakk
SaiFudDin: hahaha
tkpe bende gini ko bleh share dgn aku..
SaiFudDin: kite jadi...mat2 handsome mcm fahamerm....ladies deserve guys like us..
SaiFudDin: like duh!.
SaiFudDin: they dun noe how much love we can offer them.
nie da mcm tk faham..
Herman Gustavo: hahahahahah!!
tapi kau ckp pun btol seyy
kite yg mcam gini dorg tknk amek
ape seyy
SaiFudDin: hahahaha!
n when they choose their guy...they end up despair..
SaiFudDin: leavin us to console their sadness
givin us hopes
SaiFudDin: like wat the fuck
do we deserve tis?
yg da bekas org?.
SaiFudDin: imagine kalo da stead dgn pompan tu..then alek2...she will still tink of her ex..
well, he has a point there. haha. anyway, was chatting with this girl. brilliant girl indeed, loves to tease me. haha. she had to go offline soon and she wanted to hear my voice for like 5 seconds. weird. haha. so i called her up, talked for about a minute and we hung up. i told her i would text her when im bored. but as soon as i put down the phone, i texted her this.
me: ok im bored! haha. bedek sey.
girl: walaowei. "i'll text you when im bored." i'm yr entertainer ah? haha hmph
me: haha! i was juz exaggerating. ckp org cute, dier pun same. hehe.
girl: hahaha. noo. omg i sounded like a blabbering idiot. i don't usually talk so fast lol. okay la quite fast but not that fast! haha
me: haha. why sudden so fast?
girl: cause i'm nervous when i talk to hot mexican dudes with cute voices. hahaha
me: hahaha! omgomgomg, did i juz make u feel nervous? damn im so sory abt dat.
girl: lol you don't have to apologise for this sort of thing. but okay nvm haha. buat malu je.
me: hehe. take a deep breathe ya. takot nanti mlm ngigau ke ape, im to be blamed sey. haha.
girl: alamak i'm not THAT affected. lol. i'm okay alrdy la haiyo. first time always like that one.
me: haha. okok. see if i can make u melatah da nxt tym. hehe.
girl: haha shutup youuu. maybe you always have this effect on girls. lol
me: hidden powers u mean? hahaha! im juz a normal guy la, notink special abt me.
girl: hahaha. maybe it's just yr voice then. :D comel la dier. haha! joke2. it's quite manly la chill heh
me: is there such tinks as cute manly voice? hahaha!
girl: there's such a thing in my world ah. lol. don't worry la girls find it adorable and thus, they'll like you more. haha
me: haha! aww.. flattering much? yes it is. *winks*
girl: lol can wink summore. haiyo. anyway why you so bored. not online anymore meh
me: haha. i love to wink rmb? nope not online. im bored, cant slp. haha.
girl: oh yeaaah. that was the first thing i noticed about you sia. haha. why not online anymore?
me: haha. coz im bz texting u sampi dh mls nk online. and now im gulping down HL choc milk n munching 2 bars of kitkat. yummy!
girl: oh? you suck at multi tasking huh. heh. wahh that after yr workout just now? but you know what impresses me? you can maintain it. clapclap. heh. sounds damn nice though. heh.
me: yes i suck at it. haha. milk so i can grow taller, hav bigger muscles n stronger bones. kitkat so... ok dat one eat for fun je. hehe. yeah i eat alot but cannot get fat. (:
girl: cheychey. stronger bones seh. grow taller seh. hahaa. show off la! alamak girls would die to have yr body, i mean, cause you can't gain weight. you very annoying la hermy!
me: hahaha! i alwys tot i hav avergae body. juz dat i wanna be taller n bigger. so annoying? lyk u la! hehe.
whatever the conversation is, yes i still think im skinny eventhough i do all those workouts. ok enough, imma start my skipping regime. today shall aim for 1000 skips because yesterday i did only 500 and i would like to push myself to the limits. (:
SaiFudDin: wei!.
SaiFudDin: eh ko tgh love is in the air ke pe?.
Herman Gustavo: huh?? haha
SaiFudDin: ahahah...
SaiFudDin: ko puye nickname..
SaiFudDin: nak girlfriend name ilyza ixora?
SaiFudDin: haha..susah sak nak carik org name ade x pat dlm..
Herman Gustavo: susah yg best, mesti lawa nye hahahhaha
SaiFudDin: hahaha..the best one deserves the best treatment..
Herman Gustavo: they've come 2 da rite guy
cam phm sakk
SaiFudDin: hahaha
tkpe bende gini ko bleh share dgn aku..
SaiFudDin: kite jadi...mat2 handsome mcm fahamerm....ladies deserve guys like us..
SaiFudDin: like duh!.
SaiFudDin: they dun noe how much love we can offer them.
nie da mcm tk faham..
Herman Gustavo: hahahahahah!!
tapi kau ckp pun btol seyy
kite yg mcam gini dorg tknk amek
ape seyy
SaiFudDin: hahahaha!
n when they choose their guy...they end up despair..
SaiFudDin: leavin us to console their sadness
givin us hopes
SaiFudDin: like wat the fuck
do we deserve tis?
yg da bekas org?.
SaiFudDin: imagine kalo da stead dgn pompan tu..then alek2...she will still tink of her ex..
well, he has a point there. haha. anyway, was chatting with this girl. brilliant girl indeed, loves to tease me. haha. she had to go offline soon and she wanted to hear my voice for like 5 seconds. weird. haha. so i called her up, talked for about a minute and we hung up. i told her i would text her when im bored. but as soon as i put down the phone, i texted her this.
me: ok im bored! haha. bedek sey.
girl: walaowei. "i'll text you when im bored." i'm yr entertainer ah? haha hmph
me: haha! i was juz exaggerating. ckp org cute, dier pun same. hehe.
girl: hahaha. noo. omg i sounded like a blabbering idiot. i don't usually talk so fast lol. okay la quite fast but not that fast! haha
me: haha. why sudden so fast?
girl: cause i'm nervous when i talk to hot mexican dudes with cute voices. hahaha
me: hahaha! omgomgomg, did i juz make u feel nervous? damn im so sory abt dat.
girl: lol you don't have to apologise for this sort of thing. but okay nvm haha. buat malu je.
me: hehe. take a deep breathe ya. takot nanti mlm ngigau ke ape, im to be blamed sey. haha.
girl: alamak i'm not THAT affected. lol. i'm okay alrdy la haiyo. first time always like that one.
me: haha. okok. see if i can make u melatah da nxt tym. hehe.
girl: haha shutup youuu. maybe you always have this effect on girls. lol
me: hidden powers u mean? hahaha! im juz a normal guy la, notink special abt me.
girl: hahaha. maybe it's just yr voice then. :D comel la dier. haha! joke2. it's quite manly la chill heh
me: is there such tinks as cute manly voice? hahaha!
girl: there's such a thing in my world ah. lol. don't worry la girls find it adorable and thus, they'll like you more. haha
me: haha! aww.. flattering much? yes it is. *winks*
girl: lol can wink summore. haiyo. anyway why you so bored. not online anymore meh
me: haha. i love to wink rmb? nope not online. im bored, cant slp. haha.
girl: oh yeaaah. that was the first thing i noticed about you sia. haha. why not online anymore?
me: haha. coz im bz texting u sampi dh mls nk online. and now im gulping down HL choc milk n munching 2 bars of kitkat. yummy!
girl: oh? you suck at multi tasking huh. heh. wahh that after yr workout just now? but you know what impresses me? you can maintain it. clapclap. heh. sounds damn nice though. heh.
me: yes i suck at it. haha. milk so i can grow taller, hav bigger muscles n stronger bones. kitkat so... ok dat one eat for fun je. hehe. yeah i eat alot but cannot get fat. (:
girl: cheychey. stronger bones seh. grow taller seh. hahaa. show off la! alamak girls would die to have yr body, i mean, cause you can't gain weight. you very annoying la hermy!
me: hahaha! i alwys tot i hav avergae body. juz dat i wanna be taller n bigger. so annoying? lyk u la! hehe.
whatever the conversation is, yes i still think im skinny eventhough i do all those workouts. ok enough, imma start my skipping regime. today shall aim for 1000 skips because yesterday i did only 500 and i would like to push myself to the limits. (: