came over to Syahrul's hse to study. check2 most of da tym we were Facebook-ing. haha. not my fault sia, i got influenced by him. came back hme at 4pm. had to shift my mind frm studies to soccer, as usual dad's team ofcoz.
today's match was great but we drew 5-5 wif opposing team. i was delighted wen captain assigned me to play upfront as a striker. was hoping to score sum goals but sadly i didnt. only had two chances in wic bof i fell to da ground. and to make it worse, bof chances i got tackled on my right ankle. im was lucky not to suffer a dislocated or broken ankle. and den i got a penalty for my team. it was an open goal as da keeper was down n da ball reflected towards me. all i hafta do is head da ball into da net. as i jumped up, i was pushed frm behing by the opposing defender. da ref blew his whistle n we got a penalty. i purposely added a lil drama as i fell onto da ground, jatoh cam slow motion. step hot la kirekn. haha. star player muz noe all tis, lyk Cristiano Ronaldo. haha.
k enuf abt soccer. i feel fortunate to noe sum1 lyk NellySayang bcoz she's the only place where i can set my anger free. evrytym there's sumtink im not happy abt, she nvr fails to hear me out as i unleash evrytink dat i got within me. i lyk her coz she can do notink at all, yet sumhow her text msg or her presence seems to be able to calm me down. 3 words and 1 meaning for her, I LOVE YOU Oreo. (: