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tis is how my grp's project product looks lyk. pathetic much? yes it is. haha. oh its a truck btw. its a last min completion. today is da dateline n we managed to present it. there's a light sensor on da front of da truck n wen it senses light, da led at da top of da truck will light up. but there's more dirty tinks we did. aft assembling all da components, we realise we cldnt cover it fully. there's spaces in between n wat we did was reali atrocious. we used double sided tape to close up da gaps n den simply stick da wheels on. and guess wat, da wheels are taken frm Tamiya cars. haha. selekeh siol.

us taking pic wif da truck. smue step pro je, as if our product are so gd. haha. these are my grp members. frm left is Tahir, Aiman(too tall) and Din. its been a great experience working wif u guys. da laughs we had, da ups n downs we've been thru doing our project. i can still rmb da tym wen we were all feeling fcuked up bcoz notink seems to be going on our way but in d end persevered. good job guys. eventho our product is lyk sum shit, yg penting atleast kite came up wif sumtink. haha.
so rite aft sch ends at 12pm, headed back hme. supposedly i hav a class at 3-4pm but since attendance arent taken on da last wk of sch, me n a fren decided to skip. my reason is bcoz i wanted to go hme n slp. hehe. was in da bus wen i started to tink abt having a haircut. den i had a brilliant idea.
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tadaaaa!! i noe sum of u might tink it doesnt look nice. but trying sumtink new doesnt hurt. haha. i hope pple wun avoid me juz bcoz of my hair. im still Herman ok. juz dat i look a lil less hansem now. haha. but as soon as it starts to grow, im sure im gonna start applying wax again. haha. as for now, da long journey begins.
*looks lyk someone reali cant wait to serve NS. hahaha!*
*and she commented on my hair saying im Randy Orton tk menjadi. wtf!*