slept late last nite at arnd 3am. partly bcoz i cldnt slp n dat NellySayang wanted me to go online. we were texting bcoz she was outside but as soon as she reached hme, we chatted online. below are afew screenshots i managed to capture b4 i wen to slp. haha.
i miss NellySayang. i wanna mit her soon. and she's letting me borrow one of her books on Child Abuse. yay! syg my girlfie. haha. and and and and and... i wanna hug her. <3
cant wait for today's late nite match btwn Chelsea and Arsenal. gonna be exciting. i wish for notink else but Arsenal to win. atleast a win wld make me happy. but many predict they'll fall to Chelsea, juz lyk how they fell to Man U last wk. ok la, till here. tc! (: