2day lyk no mood 2 go sch. dunno y. mayb im still cant get over it. i mean im still sad abt my granny who juz passed away. its been a wk n i still cant accept it. furthermore nxt mon will be hari raye haji. wonder how it feels lyk wen she's not arnd anymore. gonna b so diff i guess. since i was a baby, she's d one whom im closest to. i can still rmb wen i was a toddler n a lil kid n granny used 2 layan n play wif me. sumtyms i wld cry but she wld console me. how gd she was. but as yrs passed, i got older n she got more n more weaker. nowadays wen im schlng, i dun get 2 c her dat much. not lyk i was in pri sch. me n cuzzies wld mit up n hav a slp over at granny's terrace hse at kembangan. but now we r all bz. and wen she's no more here, i feel as if im missing sumtink in life. da sadness juz cant b explained. its more sad den losing a gf. serious... well, i hope wifout granny now, i wld b a better person in life. may u rest in peace granny. we all r gonna miss u much... ):
now's a diff topic. juz now reached sch at 11am but sch was supposed 2 start at 9am. haha... da 1st 2 lessons r lectures so heckcare la, dowan cum sch so early. so i can get more slp. hehe! so ya, notink much happened in sch. den aft sch wen 2 tamp mall 2 get d arsenal book wic i mentioned yest. i was so happy wen i bought it. hahahaha.... god, im lyk a kiddo man. but its true uh. hehe! den got hme n did abit of pushups. tmr sch starts at 10am. but got 2 lesson only lehh, bof oso lectures. so i might reconsider if i wanna cum or not since 4 me lectures r not so useful. juz sit there n listen. sumtyms da teacher tok kok den we all play psp or eat. hahahha.... k den, till here. tym 2 msg erah! (: