walaowei... 2day so bored u noe. except dat i had my haircut juz now at whitesands shopping mall. i oso dunno y i wanna cut. its not long uh but den very da tebal! haha... i dun tink i wanna keep long hair lyk last tym during puase n hari raye. amek kau, dat one reali long man till my ears pun kene tutop. hahaa! but ya, i miss dat hair oso coz dh penat2 simpan den cut. lyk wasted man. cam gi NS gitu eh kene cut. hahahah...
juz now on msn i chatted wif shikin n erah. shikin said my hair makes me look lyk a matrep. im lyk wth! haha... muke aku ade ciri2 ke-makrep-an ke?? gasak kau la shikin. asalkn kau bahagia sudah. haha! but trust me, im not a matrep or so watever k. u may tink dat i look lyk one juz by da way i dress or by my hair or wat uh but im not. i repeat, im not. mls la nk jadi cam bdk2 camtu smue. waste my tym je. hahahahahaa....
den erah plak say my hair look lyk baru kua NS. aik, jauh nmpk u berangan. hehe... lek2, poly lom habis dh nk NS. haha... patotnye i yg tk sabar nk gi NS, ni u plak. huahua! and summore u say cute. kk dat one i dowan 2 comment. biar Tuhan saje yg tahu.... hahahahah!! cam pernh dgr je dat line eh. frm sufian n razzak tk? (:
so now im still bored. nk tawe sendiri nanti org pk gile plak. nk bual sendiri nanti org pk gile plak. so how ni?? evrytink i do they say i crazy. ape dah... so yg crazy skrg is dorg uh, rite? knknkn? huahuahuahuahuahua!!!!!
juz now on msn i chatted wif shikin n erah. shikin said my hair makes me look lyk a matrep. im lyk wth! haha... muke aku ade ciri2 ke-makrep-an ke?? gasak kau la shikin. asalkn kau bahagia sudah. haha! but trust me, im not a matrep or so watever k. u may tink dat i look lyk one juz by da way i dress or by my hair or wat uh but im not. i repeat, im not. mls la nk jadi cam bdk2 camtu smue. waste my tym je. hahahahahaa....
den erah plak say my hair look lyk baru kua NS. aik, jauh nmpk u berangan. hehe... lek2, poly lom habis dh nk NS. haha... patotnye i yg tk sabar nk gi NS, ni u plak. huahua! and summore u say cute. kk dat one i dowan 2 comment. biar Tuhan saje yg tahu.... hahahahah!! cam pernh dgr je dat line eh. frm sufian n razzak tk? (:
so now im still bored. nk tawe sendiri nanti org pk gile plak. nk bual sendiri nanti org pk gile plak. so how ni?? evrytink i do they say i crazy. ape dah... so yg crazy skrg is dorg uh, rite? knknkn? huahuahuahuahuahua!!!!!