2day wen masjid wif sufian. anuar last min cant make it so only da 2 of us. aft masjid met up wif sis, byzura, siti n anothr gal wic i dunno her name. byzura wanna blanje me famous amos. wohoo! thanks thanks thanks tau! (:
den all go hme except me coz im supposed 2 wait 4 erah. we going airport 2 study. i waited 4 her but she said she's stuck at jurong wif her cuzzins i tink. i dunno wats going on there coz there seems 2 b a bit of a prob. so nvm, i walk2 at tm 1st. i was there 4 almost 2 hrs den wen up 2 da playgrnd there n sit. tis tym erah is reali late. she's still stucked i guess. i dunno y. i insisted 2 wait 4 her but she told me nonid. by da tym we mit, i tink its oredi too late 2 go out. so ya, i wen hme lor. its not dat she dowan 2 mit but she's afraid dat it might took her a long tym 2 mit me due 2 da prob. i understand da situation n had no choice but 2 go hme. haha... well, i gotta b patient. i cant blame any1 on wat happened. but i noe i cant alwys b patient coz my patience wun last 4 long. watever it is, mayb there's a reason 4 wat happened. erah, lets mit sum othr day wen im free k. (:
k now, anothr topic. do all of u lyk it wen u go out 2 a place where there's so much pple n u feel as if evry1's looking at u? no rite? precisely. ok, im not trying 2 say gd thngs abt myself here but sumtyms it reali annoys me man. most of da tym wen i go out, i wld alwys receive extra attention frm pple arnd me. in othr words, especially gals. omg, i dunno wats wrong wif dem. or izzit me who looks weird or i look lyk a criminal 2 dem? even if they look at me coz im handsome or gd-looking or wat so ever, ok thank u very much gals. honestly, i reali app it so much k. but pls pls pls, dun ever look at me or stare at me countless tyms as if im edward cullens or whoever dat ur crazy abt. u see, imma very shy guy ok. i cant take it wen u do dat 2 me. sumhow it makes me angry n frustrated instead of d othr way round. hope u gals understand. thank u very much... (:
*i may b gifted wif better features den sum of da pple out there. i thank no othr den God 4 making me tis way. if its not bcoz of Him, i wun b da person lyk i am now - a simple guy wif a big heart. sumtyms i hate being myself coz i noe i hav a small-framed body n my height is juz average. but i realise dat there's still othrs shorter den me. so pple, be thankful. wen u tink u cant hav tis or dat, tink again coz there's still pple out there who r worse den u. notink is much more important den LOVE. love evry1 arnd u b4 they r gone.*