hellos! (: well, 2day as usual wen 2 masjid wif sufian. aft dat i followed him 2 his cuzzie's hse near masjid there. den we proceeded 2 Century Square coz i wanted 2 find a big elmo bear. we cant find Kiddy Palace so nvm, we wen 2 TM 2 eat at Swensen's. i ordered Breaded Chicken Meuniere n Merry Mint ice-cream 4 dessert while sufian ordered french fries, a plate of spaghetti wic i dunno its name n ice-cream i oso dunno wat its called. haha... so while eating, we managed 2 talked abt so many thngs in our life. sumtyms we nid sum1 2 tok to abt our problems n stuffs so ya, sufian wld b d one i look 4 n he's oso d one dat i alwys tell secretive thngs to. wait, isnt it da same? hahaha! kk nvm... so we tok n tok until we finished our meal. wow, i tell ya, our stomache were bloated by den. sufian was lyk giving up on his ice-cream oredi. hehe... so i had 2 finish up his left-over french fries. tkpela, dh kenyang but i still sumbatkn dlm. hahaha... i dipped those fries into my ice-cream. creative katekn...
oh btw, there were tis 2 gals sitting at a table nxt 2 us. i tot they were wif their famli uh skali tngk btol2, kakak n adek je. klau teenagers tkpe jgk tau but ni bdk pri sch i tink. they ate n laughed. tk tahu la ape yg dorg bualkn tu eh. jgn2 lunch tym dorg slalu mkn kat swensen's tk? hahahhahahahahahahahahaa...... kaya nmpk kaya nmpk!
k so we paid da bills n wen off. sufian ade tuition at arnd 5pm but b4 we wen separate ways, we headed 2 a shop wic sells watches. i wanna change my watch battery n nasib tkyah bayar coz i bought it there last 2 yrs. haha! sufian plak look2 arnd at othr watches but all mahal. he said budget $20. i tink beli kat pasar mlm oso cantik. hehehe...
den we wen back hme... at hme i do sum weightlifting while watching tv. ok dats all i tink. now i wanna watch WWE Raw! yeah! haha... k bye pple. (: