hello pple! saw dat gal in da pic? yup, her name's Farah Vanessa or she's better known as Nelly. i noe she very pretty kn? knknkn?? im sure u pple agree wif me. haha... amakk nelly.... why why why? y u so pretty? hahaha! i cant take my eyes off tis pic coz she looks lyk a doll man. its lyk im glued tis pic. hehe... nelly, ni klau joe tngk, confirm he cair nye. hahahaha.... btol tk nelly? (:
wei, i miss u lyk hell la. haha... wen im feeling down or sad, u nvr fails 2 cheer me up n brighten my day. im glad dat u hav Joe 2 takecare of u. harap2 happy ending ok. haha... and ya, ur b'day dh nk dkt but i still dunno wat 2 buy u la. u nk i beli ape? tell me wat u wan. hehe... k la, u takecare k. love u MINAH GEYLANG.... hahaha! :p