firstly would like to inform that i'll only post the photos of last week's chalet if i have time tomorrow. quite a busy man for today. well not really, was out with Baby. hehe. she said she wanted to watch movie so accompanied her and besides i hafta get a new soccer bag after mum accidentally tore the strap while doing the laundry. Baby was super gorgeous today, i had my eyes on her throughout the whole time and couldnt care much about what's going on around me. haha. so yeah, watched Karate Kid and we had to sit on the front row seats since there's no more available for that timing. saket siol my neck but good la, i have better vision because my eyes are a lil bit rabun. haha. and Baby cried abit during one sad part of the movie. awww she's so cute. (:
gosh i miss Baby so much. was away for only 2 days at the chalet and im already missing her like an idiot. wonder how its gonna be when i go NS. haha. apparently im like smiling to myself reading a particular post from her blog. it was quite some time ago when we were still dating back then. i cant help but to read it over and over again. so sweet of her. here's part of what she wrote...
Speaking of Herman, that boy has been a right comfort. Been feeling down these last couple of days. Dont rly show it but its constant heartache. Talking to him, just smsing him, helps. Keeps my mind off things. And it's good to know that there's someone by my side who's as good as him. Went out w him on Saturday. One word for it, sweet. One of th nicest guys I've ever met, swearrr. And he kept me smiling throughout th whole date. And he's frigging adorable. Like mintak kene cubit and peluk youknow?! Haha.
Will Smith's son is awesome and he's cute.