wun be going for Eclipse premier tomorrow. reason is, i dont have much time. i mean its stated in the email that i hafta collect the tickets between 6-7pm but i only end school at 5.30pm. and because im having a soccer match on the same day in school, i hafta go home put my stuffs and get a quick shower first so i feel good when i go out again to watch movie. but again, i dont have much time. so yes, i forfeit the tickets since none of my friend wants it.
speaking about soccer, tomorrow will be Team MTN vs Team ETCM at 3pm, Temasek Poly stadium. im playing for my course MTN and being selected as the vice-captain of the team just makes it more pressurising. we'll be going into the match as underdogs but we wont let our course down for sure. with a squad of 20 players, we're determined and proud to represent Mechatronics. the school has sent out emails to all Year 3 students to support between the 2 teams. omg, im expecting a large crowd turning up to see us play. im nervous already. haha. but yet, this is the chance to be in the limelight. (:
this morning's World Cup match is between Spain and Portugal. a tough match indeed and its a mouth watering clash. its hard to predict who will win but i gotta go with Spain going through to the next round.