im so bored, im actually reading this so called advance 'birthday card' (more of a letter. haha! but its ok) that Baby gave to me last week when we went to watch Toys Story 3. she pasted a face of me and wearing an Arsenal jersey. how cute. haha. she was scared i find it horrendous but doesnt matter for me. what matters is the things she wrote in there. seriously, she's the 1st girl to have written me a good, simple yet sweet card ever. that explains why im reading it again and again. haha.
anyway, was late for school today. i mean damn late. came at 2.45pm, sory uh i overslept sia. hehe. did not do much work though. went to check email and guess what, won a pair of tickets to Twilight Eclipse gala premier on 30th June Wednesday, 9pm at Shaw Bugis. i thought i could ask Baby out to watch with me but her parents wouldnt let her out at night. somemore there's school the next day. so the next person i asked was Nelly since we both made a promise last year to watch Eclipse together. but again, she had the same reason as Baby. so now i think i'll just go with sis. i've never attended a gala premier and it would be great if my face is out on the tv. haha. who knows they'll pick me out to give comments about the movie after watching it. cool shit.
so yeah, after school met up with Baby. accompanied her to Afghan to get some stuff. her parents asked her to buy dinner. haha. one thing i love about her today is, she didnt had her makeups on. she was simply gorgeous. wow, 1st time seeing her natural beauty. haha. but i gotta say, i prefer her with no makeups. well maybe abit but not so much. so Baby if you're reading this, do remember less makeups when we go out next time ok. we made a deal already and thank god she agreed to have less makeups. haha. love u babe. <3
my blog songs are getting boring but im plain lazy to change it. hehe. and i totally forgot all about the book which i borrowed from Nelly weeks ago. i only read afew pages and left it on the shelf. omg i should start reading it anytime soon or else she'll thinks that im stealing her book. haha.