eh u all imagine me being a firefighter. amacam, ok tk? haha... seriously, wen i was a lil kid, i dreamt of being a firefighter. coz dulu on Suria channel got tis drama 'Cemas', if u can still rmb uh, den wen i watch rite lyk best gitu. cool man! den summore later my body confirm sapau. hahaha... k la, if not a firefighter pun kn, i wanna b part of D.A.R.T, u noe wen singapore flyer stucked den got tis rescue team climb up there 2 save pple? yeah, dats d one. cam gerek gitu climb here n there juz 2 save pple. lyk Spiderman! haha... eh wait, i mean Mexican Wonderboy. (:
k enuf abt those crap. later i eat crab how? haha! no link seyy. -___- as usual, evry sat got soccer match wif my dad's team. juz now match was at Yishun. so dad n i travelled there wif his bike. while at SLE kn, tiny water droplets began 2 hit us lyk meteorites. pain sia! hahahaha.... no la, jk je. so dad speed up his bike. wow, peyy laju! dh cam Valentino Rossi beb! hahahah... lucky dad speed up, if not dh basah seyy. alhamdulillah, hujan tk dpt kejar kite. bluek! u cannot catch me! ish aku ni cam bdk2 la seyy...
k blablabla, we lost da match 6-5. walaowei, d othr team play so fast sia. i gone case oredi. coz 5mins aft da match starts, one of my teammate injured so i had 2 replace him. my heart cam nk pecah, run here n there till it gets so hard 2 breathe in oxygen. u imagine car engine yg cam nk meletop. tngh nazak seyy. hahahahhaa... den 2nd half i didnt play. if i play oso can, no use. dh la penat, den aku nk terberak plak. skali run2 den terkencit how? tkkn nk step mud plak kn. u noe wat i mean... hahahahhaha!!!!!
den aft match, wen 2 tamp int coz i wanna top up ezlink card bus pass concession. u noe yg take lotsa bus oso nvm coz its free. but muz pay $52 per month uh. mahal rite, coz poly student wat. last tym i sec sch only $27 seyy... see, they all wan 2 mkn duit org only. mentang2 aku poly... hmph!
den while going back hme, suddenly it started 2 rain. so dad stopped under void deck. den ape lagi, dad n i changed 2 our raincoat. fuuuhhyyyoooooo!!!! kite dh cam Starship Troopers la seyy!!! hahahhaa... shud hav taken a pic of me. confirm funny. wearing helmet summore. kk den reached hme, bathed n eat rojak mama. sedap sia... mum n sis ade simpankn untk kite but still alot. so dad n i mkn uh. habes jgk seyy. but i ate most of it since dad gav up oredi. see, i eat alot but den im still a small boy. nvm, cute jgk pe kn?? hahaha...
oh btw, da pics above was taken by sis. since i was drenched, i asked her 2 take a pic of me. kirekn step kat sentosa uh. coz tk sabar uh 4 da famli gathering wif relatives at sentosa. hopefully sentosa uh coz i dowan ECP. so ya, aku dh smangat sentosa ni, sampi amek pics kat umah. hehhehe!!!! (:
*im so sory... but u dun hafta bother abt me anymore*
k enuf abt those crap. later i eat crab how? haha! no link seyy. -___- as usual, evry sat got soccer match wif my dad's team. juz now match was at Yishun. so dad n i travelled there wif his bike. while at SLE kn, tiny water droplets began 2 hit us lyk meteorites. pain sia! hahahaha.... no la, jk je. so dad speed up his bike. wow, peyy laju! dh cam Valentino Rossi beb! hahahah... lucky dad speed up, if not dh basah seyy. alhamdulillah, hujan tk dpt kejar kite. bluek! u cannot catch me! ish aku ni cam bdk2 la seyy...
k blablabla, we lost da match 6-5. walaowei, d othr team play so fast sia. i gone case oredi. coz 5mins aft da match starts, one of my teammate injured so i had 2 replace him. my heart cam nk pecah, run here n there till it gets so hard 2 breathe in oxygen. u imagine car engine yg cam nk meletop. tngh nazak seyy. hahahahhaa... den 2nd half i didnt play. if i play oso can, no use. dh la penat, den aku nk terberak plak. skali run2 den terkencit how? tkkn nk step mud plak kn. u noe wat i mean... hahahahhaha!!!!!
den aft match, wen 2 tamp int coz i wanna top up ezlink card bus pass concession. u noe yg take lotsa bus oso nvm coz its free. but muz pay $52 per month uh. mahal rite, coz poly student wat. last tym i sec sch only $27 seyy... see, they all wan 2 mkn duit org only. mentang2 aku poly... hmph!
den while going back hme, suddenly it started 2 rain. so dad stopped under void deck. den ape lagi, dad n i changed 2 our raincoat. fuuuhhyyyoooooo!!!! kite dh cam Starship Troopers la seyy!!! hahahhaa... shud hav taken a pic of me. confirm funny. wearing helmet summore. kk den reached hme, bathed n eat rojak mama. sedap sia... mum n sis ade simpankn untk kite but still alot. so dad n i mkn uh. habes jgk seyy. but i ate most of it since dad gav up oredi. see, i eat alot but den im still a small boy. nvm, cute jgk pe kn?? hahaha...
oh btw, da pics above was taken by sis. since i was drenched, i asked her 2 take a pic of me. kirekn step kat sentosa uh. coz tk sabar uh 4 da famli gathering wif relatives at sentosa. hopefully sentosa uh coz i dowan ECP. so ya, aku dh smangat sentosa ni, sampi amek pics kat umah. hehhehe!!!! (:
*im so sory... but u dun hafta bother abt me anymore*