yest wen 2 study wif azak n shawn at Whitesands library. was supposed 2 mit at 10.30am but i overslept n woke up at 10.12am. hahaha... so texted azak n told him i'll b late. i arrived there at 12pm n called him 2 ask where he was. he said they were at arcade coz shawn wanted 2 play maximum tune 1st. -___- so met wif dem at arcade n den proceeded 2 BK 2 hav our lunch 1st. aft dat wen up 2 library n found our seat at da Cafe Galilei or watever its called. started studying n stuff uh.
i kinda noticed tis man opp our seat. he's wif his laptp n he seems 2 b interviewing pple. i mean gals coz all of dem who wen up 2 him 4 interviewing were all gals. haha... den there's tis 2 mly gals arrived. bof wen 4 d interview uh but 1 at a tym. so i kinda observed 1 of dem who's wearing a grey shirt n a black long skirt. i hafta say she's very gorgeous. im lyk omg omg omg! hehehe... seriously man, aku rase cam tngh floating on air seyy. haha! den wen i stared at her too long, she suddenly turned as if she's looking at sumtink but her eyes clipped wif mine 4 abt 2 seconds. bertentang mata nmpk! haha... i tink she mus hav noticed me earlier n realised im looking at her. my heart wanted 2 get close 2 her. i mean lyk get up 2 her n say hello or wat n mayb ask 4 her number. tk slh pe nk uat kwn kn. but den, my body juz wasnt reacting. im lyk stucked on my chair n cldnt stand up. weird huh? ni la panggilnye aku tngh cair... hahahahahahahahaa.... den wen they left, im lyk very sad uh. amakk gal, y u left so early? i wan u 2 notice me dat i wanna noe abt u leyy... hehe! den wen i asked azak his opinion abt da gal, he said he's not reali sure uh. bukan ape, dekni tk tngk mly gals. he only look at chinese gals!!!!!! -___- haish... tkpela eh zak, thanks. haha!
so continued our study n den took afew breaks in btwn. shawn kept going 2 d arcade coz dier ni ade gilekn maximum tune. u noe la, yg bdk2 cine slalu main kereta kat arcade. yg muz insert their own card smue... dun geddit? juz phm2 or ye kn je la eh. haha!
den at arnd 4pm, sufian came 2 join us since he juz finished wrking. he wrks at Century Square's Haagen-Danz. so if u wan 2 get free ice-cream, juz go there n say ur herman's fren. confirm he kasi free nye. hahahahahaha... no la, jkjk je k. dun reali go there tau. later pape aku jgk yg susah... k back 2 story. while sitting there n tok kok(we stress oredi uh study lyk hell 4 abt 5hrs), we saw sabrina n hanisah. they waved at us n asked wat we doing here. kite pk dorg nk ape, skali they came 4 d interview oso. hahhaahahha.... kekek pe, cam tkde org lain je eh. den at 6pm, we packed our stuff n got off frm there. shawn wanted 2 go arcade again. he challenged tis boy n won. shawn keje nk bully je. den his gear rosak. hahahah! swaaaayyyyyyyy uuuhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
soon we wen 2 KFC 4 dinner. all ate except me coz mum's cooking at hme uh. so i juz sat there n waited 4 dem 2 finish their meal. den got tis grp of sec sch gals wic i dunno wic sch they r frm. one of dem kinda kept starring at me. wtf man, is there sumtink wrong wif me?? hmmm.... klau stare bcoz u lyk me tkpe jgk. atleast can smile at me wat. ceyyy, aku ni cam tk tahu malu je eh! hehe... den saw my mly teacher frm pri sch wif her famli. i step tk tahu uh. i dunno if she still rmb me coz i was so diff back den. im very small n skinny ok. k la, i now oso skinny but now got muscles here n there n 4 packs(actually 6 but d othr 2 not reali obviuos) ok. hahaha... oh u tink i bedek eh? k nvm, nxt tym u mit me, i show u. haha!
den wen hme, i received a kol frm ika. she doesnt hav internet so dats y we cant chat or wat uh. at 1st i tot she called me bcoz she was bored. den suddenly her voice lyk diff seyy. as if she's crying. den it was true. i asked wats wrong n she began 2 break down n cry nonstop. im lyk wtf, wats happening?? aft i persuaded her 2 tell me evrytink, she finally told me. she juz broke wif her bf. haish... kesian seyy. dat guy nk break coz he fell 4 sum1 else. kuang ajar sia, pk funfair pe uat kwn aku camni. dat guy reali too much man... kau tahu tk ika ni btol2 syg kn kau ok. yg rugi kau! i noe she's a very gd gal. kau tu yg prangai cam binatang... tkpela ika, stay strong ok. im single too. i noe how u feel ok fren. wen dorg uat slh, kite still accept dem 4 who they r n still setie dgn dorg no matter wat their flaws r. but look at dem, wen we uat slh, dorg tk setie pun. they dowan 2 take d initiative 2 tok tinks out 1st. instead they juz wanted a break. wats all tis?? its not fair!!!!! dh la ika, tkmo sedih2 tau. u hav ur frens who cares abt u. dat guy is reali a jerk. tis yr ur O-lvl so focus on dat k. dun spoil ur future by worrying abt him. he doesnt deserve 2 b urs bcoz he's a fcuking-damn-bloody asshole who only tinks abt himself. isnt dat selfish... org camni mintak kene rembat...
den rite aft i put down da phone, i wen online. chat2 n stuff uh as usual. den offline coz nk tngk wrestling. hehehee.... best ok! plus i wanted 2 read tis book wic i bought it afew days ago. dat book's called 'Rules of Love'. its a very gd book if u wanna improve urself in love. it givs u tips on evrytink. i simply cant stop reading coz its very addictive uh. u noe la, imma guy whom wen comes 2 love, i reali take it seriously. so ya, its reali a perfect book 4 me. no wonder it costs $35.31... hahaha! (:
i kinda noticed tis man opp our seat. he's wif his laptp n he seems 2 b interviewing pple. i mean gals coz all of dem who wen up 2 him 4 interviewing were all gals. haha... den there's tis 2 mly gals arrived. bof wen 4 d interview uh but 1 at a tym. so i kinda observed 1 of dem who's wearing a grey shirt n a black long skirt. i hafta say she's very gorgeous. im lyk omg omg omg! hehehe... seriously man, aku rase cam tngh floating on air seyy. haha! den wen i stared at her too long, she suddenly turned as if she's looking at sumtink but her eyes clipped wif mine 4 abt 2 seconds. bertentang mata nmpk! haha... i tink she mus hav noticed me earlier n realised im looking at her. my heart wanted 2 get close 2 her. i mean lyk get up 2 her n say hello or wat n mayb ask 4 her number. tk slh pe nk uat kwn kn. but den, my body juz wasnt reacting. im lyk stucked on my chair n cldnt stand up. weird huh? ni la panggilnye aku tngh cair... hahahahahahahahaa.... den wen they left, im lyk very sad uh. amakk gal, y u left so early? i wan u 2 notice me dat i wanna noe abt u leyy... hehe! den wen i asked azak his opinion abt da gal, he said he's not reali sure uh. bukan ape, dekni tk tngk mly gals. he only look at chinese gals!!!!!! -___- haish... tkpela eh zak, thanks. haha!
so continued our study n den took afew breaks in btwn. shawn kept going 2 d arcade coz dier ni ade gilekn maximum tune. u noe la, yg bdk2 cine slalu main kereta kat arcade. yg muz insert their own card smue... dun geddit? juz phm2 or ye kn je la eh. haha!
den at arnd 4pm, sufian came 2 join us since he juz finished wrking. he wrks at Century Square's Haagen-Danz. so if u wan 2 get free ice-cream, juz go there n say ur herman's fren. confirm he kasi free nye. hahahahahaha... no la, jkjk je k. dun reali go there tau. later pape aku jgk yg susah... k back 2 story. while sitting there n tok kok(we stress oredi uh study lyk hell 4 abt 5hrs), we saw sabrina n hanisah. they waved at us n asked wat we doing here. kite pk dorg nk ape, skali they came 4 d interview oso. hahhaahahha.... kekek pe, cam tkde org lain je eh. den at 6pm, we packed our stuff n got off frm there. shawn wanted 2 go arcade again. he challenged tis boy n won. shawn keje nk bully je. den his gear rosak. hahahah! swaaaayyyyyyyy uuuhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
soon we wen 2 KFC 4 dinner. all ate except me coz mum's cooking at hme uh. so i juz sat there n waited 4 dem 2 finish their meal. den got tis grp of sec sch gals wic i dunno wic sch they r frm. one of dem kinda kept starring at me. wtf man, is there sumtink wrong wif me?? hmmm.... klau stare bcoz u lyk me tkpe jgk. atleast can smile at me wat. ceyyy, aku ni cam tk tahu malu je eh! hehe... den saw my mly teacher frm pri sch wif her famli. i step tk tahu uh. i dunno if she still rmb me coz i was so diff back den. im very small n skinny ok. k la, i now oso skinny but now got muscles here n there n 4 packs(actually 6 but d othr 2 not reali obviuos) ok. hahaha... oh u tink i bedek eh? k nvm, nxt tym u mit me, i show u. haha!
den wen hme, i received a kol frm ika. she doesnt hav internet so dats y we cant chat or wat uh. at 1st i tot she called me bcoz she was bored. den suddenly her voice lyk diff seyy. as if she's crying. den it was true. i asked wats wrong n she began 2 break down n cry nonstop. im lyk wtf, wats happening?? aft i persuaded her 2 tell me evrytink, she finally told me. she juz broke wif her bf. haish... kesian seyy. dat guy nk break coz he fell 4 sum1 else. kuang ajar sia, pk funfair pe uat kwn aku camni. dat guy reali too much man... kau tahu tk ika ni btol2 syg kn kau ok. yg rugi kau! i noe she's a very gd gal. kau tu yg prangai cam binatang... tkpela ika, stay strong ok. im single too. i noe how u feel ok fren. wen dorg uat slh, kite still accept dem 4 who they r n still setie dgn dorg no matter wat their flaws r. but look at dem, wen we uat slh, dorg tk setie pun. they dowan 2 take d initiative 2 tok tinks out 1st. instead they juz wanted a break. wats all tis?? its not fair!!!!! dh la ika, tkmo sedih2 tau. u hav ur frens who cares abt u. dat guy is reali a jerk. tis yr ur O-lvl so focus on dat k. dun spoil ur future by worrying abt him. he doesnt deserve 2 b urs bcoz he's a fcuking-damn-bloody asshole who only tinks abt himself. isnt dat selfish... org camni mintak kene rembat...
den rite aft i put down da phone, i wen online. chat2 n stuff uh as usual. den offline coz nk tngk wrestling. hehehee.... best ok! plus i wanted 2 read tis book wic i bought it afew days ago. dat book's called 'Rules of Love'. its a very gd book if u wanna improve urself in love. it givs u tips on evrytink. i simply cant stop reading coz its very addictive uh. u noe la, imma guy whom wen comes 2 love, i reali take it seriously. so ya, its reali a perfect book 4 me. no wonder it costs $35.31... hahaha! (: