ok tis is a recap on 14 february, saturday:

planned 2 go out wif erah but was cancelled coz she wasnt reali feeling well due 2 her probs. pity her seyy... so i was bored n asked my cuzzin fadhil if he wanna go out. so plan2 smue, we wen out 2 marina barrage wif his frens. met at 3pm at tamp mrt guardian. fadhil reached 1st wif his fren din. pk sape seyy skali i noe din. he's frm gvss too but now same class wif fadhil in ITE. haha... wat a small world! den waited 4 da gals but they were late. biase pompan, phm2 je la. haha! so we wen 2 TM walk arnd 1st. at nearly 4pm gitu, da gals came. inie, eera & anothr gal wic is eera's sista. we took da train 2 marina bay. we didnt tok much at 1st coz all shy2 mahh but lama2 dh ok. hahahaa...
we took shuttle bus 2 marina barrage frm marina bay mrt station. bile tngh queue, din nk berak plak. hahahahahahaha!!!! tu la, tadi kau tknk berak kat TM nye toilet kn. haha... so we had 2 go back 2 d mrt toilet n waited 4 him. soon he came out n we continued our journey 2 barrage. there, we walk2, sit2, chat2, took pics n mengumpat psl couples kat situ. hehehehehe.... there were lotsa couples spending tym 2gthr. tis made me tink of erah seyy. haish... i juz miss her so much. hope she's juz ok. not dat im sad dat i cant spend tym wif her on dat day or jeles abt lain couples uh but den im concerned abt her. kk enuf, so while sitting at rooftop kn, we saw tis couple cam picnik uh. den da guy laid on da grass n da gal was ontop of him. wtf man! fadhil saw it 1st n he told us. hahahhaha.... cam sex position gitu eh. hehe! we all laughed lyk wat sia. suke eh kite! ish3...
arnd 6.45pm gitu we made our way back. frm marina bay, we took mrt 2 cityhall. fadhil nk mkn BK at marina square. haha... bile sampi je, ramai org seyy. so we decided 2 eat at Qiji instead. while eating kn, fadhil uat hal. tk habis2 tawe. i dunno y uh... dier mmg gitu. hahahaaha... biasela, sedare aku jgk! pastu, we wen hme. took mrt n sumtink reali hilarious happened.
behind fadhil n din got apek wearing shorts n a very pendek shirt. dh la baju singkat, abeh bleh nmpk perot nye yg boncit! hahahahaha.... den a lady was sitting at a seat near da door. den tis guy nk dudok sbelah dier coz empty seat wat. juz wen he was abt 2 sit, d mrt moved. dier pun lose balance uh. lucky ade cermin so he cld hold on to. but den d impact was so kuat dat it sounds 'bammmm!!!!!!'. naseb sia tu lady tk kene smacked dgn pantat tu laki. hahahahhahahahha...... all of us was oredi laughing man. fahdil tawe paling kuat. smue tngh sia! abeh dat guy dh paisei, step bual kat hp dier. da lady plak dh malu gile babi nye tau den muke step marah uh. hahaha! kekek pe! din said "klau aku tu laki kn, aku dh paisei sia. nxt stop tros aku turun" hahahahahaha....
kk so fadhil alighted at kembangan, inie at bedok, me n da rest at tamp. din n i followed eera n her sis 2 buy flower at century square. aku n din dh cam bodyguard seyy. haha! den we wen separate ways. btw, da 6 of us not couples ok! (:
we took shuttle bus 2 marina barrage frm marina bay mrt station. bile tngh queue, din nk berak plak. hahahahahahaha!!!! tu la, tadi kau tknk berak kat TM nye toilet kn. haha... so we had 2 go back 2 d mrt toilet n waited 4 him. soon he came out n we continued our journey 2 barrage. there, we walk2, sit2, chat2, took pics n mengumpat psl couples kat situ. hehehehehe.... there were lotsa couples spending tym 2gthr. tis made me tink of erah seyy. haish... i juz miss her so much. hope she's juz ok. not dat im sad dat i cant spend tym wif her on dat day or jeles abt lain couples uh but den im concerned abt her. kk enuf, so while sitting at rooftop kn, we saw tis couple cam picnik uh. den da guy laid on da grass n da gal was ontop of him. wtf man! fadhil saw it 1st n he told us. hahahhaha.... cam sex position gitu eh. hehe! we all laughed lyk wat sia. suke eh kite! ish3...
arnd 6.45pm gitu we made our way back. frm marina bay, we took mrt 2 cityhall. fadhil nk mkn BK at marina square. haha... bile sampi je, ramai org seyy. so we decided 2 eat at Qiji instead. while eating kn, fadhil uat hal. tk habis2 tawe. i dunno y uh... dier mmg gitu. hahahaaha... biasela, sedare aku jgk! pastu, we wen hme. took mrt n sumtink reali hilarious happened.
behind fadhil n din got apek wearing shorts n a very pendek shirt. dh la baju singkat, abeh bleh nmpk perot nye yg boncit! hahahahaha.... den a lady was sitting at a seat near da door. den tis guy nk dudok sbelah dier coz empty seat wat. juz wen he was abt 2 sit, d mrt moved. dier pun lose balance uh. lucky ade cermin so he cld hold on to. but den d impact was so kuat dat it sounds 'bammmm!!!!!!'. naseb sia tu lady tk kene smacked dgn pantat tu laki. hahahahhahahahha...... all of us was oredi laughing man. fahdil tawe paling kuat. smue tngh sia! abeh dat guy dh paisei, step bual kat hp dier. da lady plak dh malu gile babi nye tau den muke step marah uh. hahaha! kekek pe! din said "klau aku tu laki kn, aku dh paisei sia. nxt stop tros aku turun" hahahahahaha....
kk so fadhil alighted at kembangan, inie at bedok, me n da rest at tamp. din n i followed eera n her sis 2 buy flower at century square. aku n din dh cam bodyguard seyy. haha! den we wen separate ways. btw, da 6 of us not couples ok! (: