recap on 15 february, sunday:

left hme at arnd 11am. go yishun coz got jempotan. brought along my soccer stuff coz ptg me n dad got soccer match. arrived at cuzzin's hse n put our stuff there while we go jempotan nearby there. aft jempotan, wen back 2 cuzzin's hse n slack there. arnd 4pm gitu dad n i go soccer match. aft dat, we wen back 2 yishun n slacked again wif da rest of da relatives. wen hme at 9.30pm took uncle's lorry. i dun care uh if go hme late oso can coz 2day im not schling due 2 a wk of studybreak 2 study 4 our exams. hahahahhahahaahhaa...... kesian bof my sis n cuzzin2 aku yg lain eh. (: