ok evry1, i shall update abt yest. my sch held a fair wic was called CCN-Day to raise funds or watever da reason is. so evry classes in da sch muz set up a stall n sell tinks. it can be anytink as long as u can sell it. haha... each class muz atleast do tis once in da 3 yrs of study in da sch. since my class has oredi done it last yr, yest we dun hafta do it again.
so dat means im free 2 go arnd walking frm stalls 2 stalls looking at wat they selling n oso can cuci mate skit. hehehe! my fren uh ni ajak temankn dier cuci mate. so ya, bought fruit tarts frm syahrul's stall. den met up wif sufian, bought his cookies n classic bottled drinks. den my sis came bcoz she wanna look wats going on at my sch plus we catching a movie later on. so ya, im letting my sis feel how its lyk 2 be in a poly since she juz finished taking her o-lvl.
decided 2 go back up 2 one of da lab bcoz i wanna edit my project. sis was excited 2 follow as she wanna see wats in there. jakon pe. haha! so aft editing my project, headed back down n juz walk2 at evry stalls. by 4 plus sis n i made our way 2 tamp mall 2 catch a movie, Paranormal Activity. we were asked for our ICs at da ticket counter. luckily my sis is oredi 17. wat if i were 2 go wif sum1 younger n not even 16, confirm tk lepas sia. hahaha...
overall da movie was quite scary 2 me but not scary enuf 2 shake my legs lyk jelly. haha! juz as i tot it wasnt scary enuf, da last part wic was d ending part reali left me shaken. it was so fcuking real. well, da story itself was based on a true story, a real-life ghost haunting. ok lemme detail out on da last part.
tis couple, micah n katie, was sleeping on da same bed n they placed a camera 2 record any activities in da room. in da middle of da nite a sound lyk sum1 climbing up da stairs cld be heard. den a figure showed up entering da room. awhile later katie was awaken, she stepped out of da bed. micah was still sleeping ofcoz. looking at da way katie stepped out of da bed n looking at her eyes(eventho its dark), i oredi knew dat she has been possessed. awhile later she left da room n walked downstairs while da camera was still showing micah sleeping peacefully.
now tis where da horrifying part happens. out of da sudden katie, who was downstairs, screamed da hell out n kept shouting micah's name nonstop. da scream was lyk damn eerie i swear, lyk sum1 being possessed. i cld hear 2 voices, katie's n another voice wic sounds much lyk demon's. so hearing da loud scream, micah woke up n rushed down 2 katie's aid. micah was lyk screaming "katie where are u??" den evrytink was lyk silent. by tis tym da camera(placed on a table opp da room door) showed there's no one on da bed bcoz bof katie n micah was downstairs. da room door was left ajar.
ok tis part is not meant 4 da faint hearted. a moment later footsteps going up da stairs was heard. and it stopped. den booooom!!!! micah's body was thrown straight rite at da camera. den frm da door emerged katie. but tis isnt katie. she had blood all over her shirt n her appearance was lyk sum1 being possessed. she approached micah's lifeless body laying on da floor. da camera caught evryting on tape. den katie stared at da camera. as she slightly open up her mouth, i cld see her sharp teeths n den rawwwrrrrr!!!!!!!!! da camera juz blacked out. at d end of da story, a note was shown saying sumtink lyk 'micah's body was found in da hse da nxt day by da police while katie's whereabouts remain unknown'.
it was quite sad bcoz micah died n katie remains a mystery till now. evrytink dat happened caught by da camera was way back in 2006. da movie producer thanked katie n micah's famli n oso da police department. im giving tis movie 10 out of 10 bcoz its simply da best horror movie ever. da characters in da movie are real, they are not acting. evrytink dat was captured on camera was for real. and micah's death was real, not juz an act wic u see in othr horror movies.
i dun mind watching it da 2nd tym. so gals(those are above 16), any of u wanna watch it? i'll be pleased 2 accompany u. hehe! (: