ok Tagged is reali pissing me off. evry now n den got gals frm different country nk knl2 wif me. u noe, those 'Meet Me' application. summore these gals are lyk bitches n sluts n whores. if dari malaysia nye i call dem bohsia. haha! tatink sia, sumtyms i reject their fren request. (:
ok nxt topic. tis is for sum1 out there. to be precise, a fren of mine who is a gal. u might be reading tis so here's sumtink 4 u. i purposely didnt put ur name here bcoz i dun wanna make u lose face. but a gentle reminder here, pls understand me. i am juz ur fren n i only wanna b frens wif u. notink else n not even more den frens ok. yes, i may be going out wif u but dat doesnt mean i hav intentions 2 make u as sum1 special. infact i oredi hav a gal who is special 2 me n i dun wish 2 hav another special gal in my life. u shud noe who dat gal is bcoz i've told u b4 abt it. and i hope u understand dat i will only get into a relationship wif sum1 whom i've known for atleast a year. dats a reasonable tym 4 me 2 make up my mind if she's rite 4 me. if she isnt da gal im looking for, den i shud juz stay as frens wif her. dat goes da same 2 u, lets stay as frens orite. furthermore we've juz known each othr for lyk 4 months? sory 2 say tis, but sumtyms i hafta be harsh in order 2 be kind. im not lyk othr guys dat wld anyhow get into a relationship wifout tinking if da gal is rite 4 me or not. i hope u wld reali understand tis, thanks alot.