now dats wat makes a great cuzzin
sch projects are getting lesser n done wif each day. sounds gd huh? but watch out, its juz a trick. dats mainly bcoz term tests are juz arnd da corner. oh man, cldnt get any worse, cld it? i swear im gonna rock n' roll during my 2 wks of term break as soon as term test are over bcoz i've been missing out on alot of fun lately. its lyk evryday i go sch n wen i stepped into da hse again aft sch, my face has alwys been dull. seldom does i smile or laugh at hme. dat wld only happen if nelly's arnd.
ohya, speaking abt nelly, tmr's been a wk since she left 4 her hols. its only been a wk n im oredi lyk damn crazy, getting restless n hoping she wld return asap. u see, usually wen im bored, i wld grab my hp n text her. even juz now i was abt 2 pick up my hp n text her but i rmbered she isnt here so i put down my hp wif a sad face. den i smiled, knowing dat i miss her so much till it feels lyk she has alwys been wif me at all tyms. haha. stupid me. its hard 2 keep my mind off her, esp during sch. how i wish 4 once, i cld ease off my mind n stop tinking abt her bcoz all tis while for da past 6 freaking days, da thoughts of her kept appearing once in awhile. mayb up to almost 30 tyms in a day. how cruel of u nelly, torturing me in tis kind of state. haha. nahh, was juz joking. imy oreo, be hme soon. tc bestie. <3
i was feeling down awhile ago but im ok now. im not complaining, juz trying 2 understand ur situation gal. my only 'medals' are my scars n bruises. ok my tummy has been calling out my name 4 quite sum tym now. guess i better get sumtink 2 feed it. i mean get sumtink 2 eat. haha. bye! (: