had a test during OrgCom class. an email were sent 2 all students abt da test details. it is stated in d email that were supposed 2 learn how 2 write COMPLAINT LETTER and INCIDENT REPORT but we are only required 2 choose one during da test. yet wen i took a look at da test paper juz now, it says choose only COMPLAINT LETTER or INVESTIGATIVE REPORT. wtf sia. i wanted 2 write an incident report bcoz it easy n i've oredi memorised all da steps. i didnt learn complaint letter. aku dh penat2 blaja camne nk uat incident report den tk kua. summore email says incident report kua sia. penipu siol. i asked da teacher if i cld write incident report instead of investigative, she said no. fcuker sia. den i juz do complaint report anyhow uh. i had so much hope 2 do well in tis test but now its gone case oredi. haishhh... not my fault wat coz i followed wat d email says. lets juz see how much i get 4 da test wen teacher returns da paper nxt wk. bet im gonna fail badly. idiot. idiotic.
anw, i was otw 2 sch wen i saw many pri sch kids going 2 sch taking their PSLE results. haha... teringat plak tym dulu i take my results. seram gile dokk. but i passed wif aggregate of 199. i noe its not so gd rite but look at me, i barely made it thru 4 yrs in express class. wat an achievement! hahaha... ohya, u wanna look at my face way back den? orite, here are da pics.....
anw, i was otw 2 sch wen i saw many pri sch kids going 2 sch taking their PSLE results. haha... teringat plak tym dulu i take my results. seram gile dokk. but i passed wif aggregate of 199. i noe its not so gd rite but look at me, i barely made it thru 4 yrs in express class. wat an achievement! hahaha... ohya, u wanna look at my face way back den? orite, here are da pics.....
ni bile aku in sec 1. irritating face. but den my face so clean n smooth, no pimples. haha!
Pic 2
Pic 2

Pic 3.1
ni plak in sec 4. rambot weird beb, cam Dragonball-Z. hahahaha!!
ok now u all hafta do is vote wic pic do i look most hansem. actually my face now more hansem uh. hehehe!! jkjk only la. i where got hansem, no gals wan me wat. so wat u waiting for, get ur hp n start voting! its free~ (: