yest wen out wif famli. been so long since we all had tym 4 each othr. trust me, as my siblings n i gets older, we hav lesser tym 4 famli outings n such. we are all bz wif sch n our own daily activities. anw, yest's plan was 2 go out shopping plus da whole famli wanna came down 2 support me n dad play soccer.

headed 2 tamp 1st coz sis wanna take her bag wic she sent 4 repair. since i brought along my soccer stuff, i decided 2 look 4 a new sports bag as my old one is getting worse. entered adidas shop n bought a new one wic costs $59. dad said da price not bad n asked me if i wan. summore mum has been bugging me 2 get a new sports bag bcoz she cld still rmb she bought me d old one way back wen i was still in pri 6. hahaha! ok so i wen 2 da toilet 2 transfer all my stuff frm d old bag into da new one while my famli go find a place 2 hav lunch.
wen i made my way 2 mit my famli at dunno where they are eating, a pakcik asking 4 donations at tamp mrt approached me n held out his hand 2 salam me. but da tink is, i was in a hurry. so i juz ignored him. i cld still rmb his face expression, its lyk he's sad bcoz i cant even shake his hand. org islam patot salam-bersalaman pe. i felt kinda guilty. as soon as i reached da eating place, i told my parents abt it. den i wen back 2 dat pakcik n told him im sory bcoz i was in a rush. he said its ok. i donated an amount of money. feeling relieved n dgn hati yg ikhlas untk membantu, i walked off frm there. honestly, i hav a soft heart n love helping pple. hopefully my gd deeds will giv dem a better life.

we decided 2 go penin 1st b4 going 4 soccer match. dad nk carik kasot kat sane. while in da mrt, dad received msg frm his team dat da match has been cancelled to 5th dec instead due 2 sum reasons. im lyk wtf uh sia. dh bwk brg smue behh cancelled. klakar kepe! but nvm uh, juz proceed wif shopping. we hav more tym 2 shop. yay! hahaha...

dad got himself a pair of red Puma shoe wic costs $140. wat makes it so expensive was da Ferrari logo. haha! den bof my sis bought jeans. try jeans punye la lama. atlast beli satu each je. so while waiting n since im bored, i texted nelly. found out she's going out 2 orchard. wat a coincidence bcoz mum said dh lama she tk go orchard n we going there aft we are done at penin.

reached orchard, sis wanna go far east. basically juz window-shopped there. den mum n sis entered This Fashion while dad n i waited outside. we sat at a nearby bench. it was suped boring i tell ya. i listened 2 music while texting nelly. and again wat a coincidence. she was at far east too. haha! i told her if nmpk tegor tau. so aft almost 1 long hour of waiting, mum n sis came out frm dat bloody shop. haha! wen up 2 hav dinner wic we had 2 wait 4 awhile bcoz it was crowded.

aft dinner, walk2 arnd far east again. was walking pass tis shop wen i noticed sum1 familiar. as he was very tall, i cld easily see him frm far. it was nelly's dad! hahaha... beside him was elly but nelly wasnt arnd. i shouted out elly n she was lyk hey! hahaha... elly said her mum, nelly n kelly is in da shop. i cld only wave at nelly bcoz she's busy shopping. haha! and i 4got 2 take pic wif her using my new camera. wat a waste. den mum was lyk asking me who was da gal i shouted juz now. she tot dat was nelly but it was elly. haha... mak aku ni nk sgt tngk nelly n see how tall she is bcoz at hme sumtyms i got tok 2 her abt nelly.

anw, back 2 da story. aft far east, headed 2 ion. my parents 1st tym go there. haha! entered topman. tried on a blue sweater. i wanted it frm last tym but no money. den mum said klau nk beli je. so ya, paid 4 it. blablabla, wen out frm ion n walked along da streets.

those christmas lightings n decorations were oredi lit up. da whole orchard was filled wif a sea of humans. headed 2 nearest bus stop. took bus 518 express straight 2 my hse.
nelly's going overseas tmr. yest get 2 mit n see her face b4 we go on separate ways. gonna miss her for sure. she was supposed 2 fly off on saturday mrng but flight was cancelled. i decided 2 giv her a surprise n send her off at d airport but since her flight was cancelled 2 da following monday instead, my plan was ruined bcoz i hav sch in da mrng. i wished i cld skip sch. hav fun n do tc of urself ok oreobaby, iloveyou! (: