so sad, i oso take pic alone

heyhey! 2day wen out wif ferra. met her at tamp mrt at 2.3opm n off 2 vivo. at vivo, bought a bottled drink coz i was thirsty n den frm vivo we took bus 2 henderson waves. so reached there, we had 2 climb a stack of staircase wic was very tiring. but im fit, no worries. hahaha... soon, we reached da top n surprisingly there we lesser pple den wat i've expected. mayb bcoz of da hot weather n da scorching sun since it was only 4pm wen we arrived there.
so we sat under da shades n toktoktok. notink much uh, we juz tok abt each othr's life n den borrowed hp 2 c pics n wat songs we hav. i was shocked dat she's using da same hp model as mine, i mean my spare hp uh. its only dat hers is black while mine's brown. haha... ohya, she realised dat my 3rd sis n i hav similar eyes. plus she told me she love my nose coz it looks perfect. thankiu ferra! hehe... den got a grp of mats, each wif their own gf sat sumwhere near beside us. den they asked ferra 2 take a grp photo of dem. hahahaa... kekek man dorg. so ya, den arnd 6pm we made our move. took pics as da sun oredi abt 2 set so da pics we took wun b so bright. den aft dat wen back 2 da bus stop.
took bus back 2 vivo n wif our growling stomache, we wen 2 banquet 4 our dinner. as we ate, we told jokes n laughed. saw my pri sch classmate there too. been so long since i last met him. haha! kk den aft eating, walked arnd vivo uh. entered toys r' us coz we simply had notink better 2 do. soon got out frm there n up 2 da skypark where ferra wanted 2 sit by da water n put her legs in. hahaha... so i juz joined la. rested there 4 awhile b4 going back hme by mrt.
since she's staying in tampines too, i sent her hme too. my ezlink concession wat so no matter how much buses i took, its still da same. summore she said she's da type yg nvr go hme so late coz her hse area very sunyi. so i decided 2 accompany her rite 2 her blk void deck. bukan ape, later she kena kidnapped how? haha! muz b gentleman oso la. so aft she wen into da lift, i walked off. it was reali sunyi indeed. i myself got scared so i hurried off. huahuahua! finally i was relieved wen i reached da bus stop coz got lotsa cars. frm there, took bus straight hme.
so we sat under da shades n toktoktok. notink much uh, we juz tok abt each othr's life n den borrowed hp 2 c pics n wat songs we hav. i was shocked dat she's using da same hp model as mine, i mean my spare hp uh. its only dat hers is black while mine's brown. haha... ohya, she realised dat my 3rd sis n i hav similar eyes. plus she told me she love my nose coz it looks perfect. thankiu ferra! hehe... den got a grp of mats, each wif their own gf sat sumwhere near beside us. den they asked ferra 2 take a grp photo of dem. hahahaa... kekek man dorg. so ya, den arnd 6pm we made our move. took pics as da sun oredi abt 2 set so da pics we took wun b so bright. den aft dat wen back 2 da bus stop.
took bus back 2 vivo n wif our growling stomache, we wen 2 banquet 4 our dinner. as we ate, we told jokes n laughed. saw my pri sch classmate there too. been so long since i last met him. haha! kk den aft eating, walked arnd vivo uh. entered toys r' us coz we simply had notink better 2 do. soon got out frm there n up 2 da skypark where ferra wanted 2 sit by da water n put her legs in. hahaha... so i juz joined la. rested there 4 awhile b4 going back hme by mrt.
since she's staying in tampines too, i sent her hme too. my ezlink concession wat so no matter how much buses i took, its still da same. summore she said she's da type yg nvr go hme so late coz her hse area very sunyi. so i decided 2 accompany her rite 2 her blk void deck. bukan ape, later she kena kidnapped how? haha! muz b gentleman oso la. so aft she wen into da lift, i walked off. it was reali sunyi indeed. i myself got scared so i hurried off. huahuahua! finally i was relieved wen i reached da bus stop coz got lotsa cars. frm there, took bus straight hme.