juz had my dinner. k now im starting 2 feel sleepy due 2 da heavy meal. *burp* haha! anw, sch reopens 2day. was lazy 2 go sch but ape nk uat, pegi je la. for da sake of juz going 2 sch. hahaha... notink much uh, sch's as dreadful as ever. huak!
havent even start on my projects yet. procastinaaaattttteeeeeeeeeeeee.....
oh btw, 100 cases of swineflu has been recorded in singapore. scary enuf? yeah, u shud b scared. afew months back i was betting wif my sis. i said sooner or later schools in singapore gonna close down. yup, i was rite! tis flu is so deadly, there hasnt been any cure yet.
i watched tis movie abt Seven Signs of Apocalypse. i guess all 7 signs are true n its happening rite now, tis very second. dat movie reali gav me chills down da spine. its a documentary-like movie wic shows abt d end of da world n stuff. increasing natural disasters happening quite often, pandemic viruses affecting evry1 on earth n wars of d end-time-battles among da Muslims, Christians n Jews cld all contribute 2 one result - distruction of da world. tis movie made me tink n pause 4 a moment. there isnt much tym left. i shud b doing da rite tink in my life starting frm now. nobody knew wat wld happen 2 us, the entire civilization. its not a matter of IF it wld reali happen. its a matter of WHEN will it happen...