yest's day out wif fadhil was fun. eventho i had 2 walk here n there wif a knee support on my left knee.we wen 2 orchard since fadhil wanted 2 cuztomize his own Nike shirt at Wisma Atria. he didnt buy it 1st coz he still wanna walk arnd. so we tried going 2 da new shopping mall, Ion, but dat tink lom bukak. ah yelaaahhhh.... sape tah tell me saying dat mall dh bukak. aiyo!
so we juz walk2 till Far East Plaza. den had our meals at BK at Wheelock Place b4 proceeding back 2 dat Nike shop. it was cool coz we can chooes our own Nike logo design n den tell dem where 2 put it n stuff. i was planning 2 get my own cuztomized shirt nxt tym. bukan ape, mahal jgk seyy. fadhil kene $54. so i nid 2 save money 1st lor. was tinking 2 put my name on da shirt. coolios!
aft much of d excitement looking at how they process da shirt, we made our way 2 Marina Square by bus. we didnt noe where 2 alight coz dat bus doesnt exactly stop infront of Marina Square so we still had 2 walk frm da bus stop. den skali tngk dh cam Clarke Quay so we quickly pressed da button n alighted. haha... so we had 2 walk all da way frm Clarke Quay, Singapore River, Fullerton Hotel, Victoria Concert Hall, Esplanade n finally reached our destination. dh cam tourists beb! hahahaha... i took sum pics too while on our long journey.
at Marina Square we juz browsed thru shops n den arnd 8pm we chilled at mac. bought white choc frappe while fadhil had double choc frappe. den got tis 3 matrep cam siak. nk mintak number tis gal yg keje kat counter. muke tahu malu ke tk sia. hahahaha.... ni if i bring titi or any of my female frens dudok kat situ den if fadhil n i go toilet jap, tu 3 matrep confirm amek kesempatan mintak number. danger siol!
den sumtink else happened. got 2 maksaleh dudok nxt 2 us. one of dem cam knl gitu den bile pk balek, i rmb she was actually d one yg i took a photo wif while i was at Alexandra wif my cuzzins. dat was lyk abt 3 months ago sia. hahahaa... i paisei oredi man. i tink she recognise me coz she kept on looking at me. oh no! summore i was wearing da same shirt wic i took da photo wif her. mampos! aft dat arnd 9.30pm we wen hme swit hme...
*my hp keypad spoil. FCUK! how 2 survive?? ARGGGGHHHHH!!!!!*
so we juz walk2 till Far East Plaza. den had our meals at BK at Wheelock Place b4 proceeding back 2 dat Nike shop. it was cool coz we can chooes our own Nike logo design n den tell dem where 2 put it n stuff. i was planning 2 get my own cuztomized shirt nxt tym. bukan ape, mahal jgk seyy. fadhil kene $54. so i nid 2 save money 1st lor. was tinking 2 put my name on da shirt. coolios!
aft much of d excitement looking at how they process da shirt, we made our way 2 Marina Square by bus. we didnt noe where 2 alight coz dat bus doesnt exactly stop infront of Marina Square so we still had 2 walk frm da bus stop. den skali tngk dh cam Clarke Quay so we quickly pressed da button n alighted. haha... so we had 2 walk all da way frm Clarke Quay, Singapore River, Fullerton Hotel, Victoria Concert Hall, Esplanade n finally reached our destination. dh cam tourists beb! hahahaha... i took sum pics too while on our long journey.
at Marina Square we juz browsed thru shops n den arnd 8pm we chilled at mac. bought white choc frappe while fadhil had double choc frappe. den got tis 3 matrep cam siak. nk mintak number tis gal yg keje kat counter. muke tahu malu ke tk sia. hahahaha.... ni if i bring titi or any of my female frens dudok kat situ den if fadhil n i go toilet jap, tu 3 matrep confirm amek kesempatan mintak number. danger siol!
den sumtink else happened. got 2 maksaleh dudok nxt 2 us. one of dem cam knl gitu den bile pk balek, i rmb she was actually d one yg i took a photo wif while i was at Alexandra wif my cuzzins. dat was lyk abt 3 months ago sia. hahahaa... i paisei oredi man. i tink she recognise me coz she kept on looking at me. oh no! summore i was wearing da same shirt wic i took da photo wif her. mampos! aft dat arnd 9.30pm we wen hme swit hme...
*my hp keypad spoil. FCUK! how 2 survive?? ARGGGGHHHHH!!!!!*