wei berok, i miss u truckloads of garbage ok!
hahaha... hope we cld mit up soon. <3
its weird but yest nite i had a sudden feeling of being lonely. i felt so alone in my own world. i was down n disappointed abt a couple of tinks. so i texted nelly 2 tell her wat im feeling. lucky enuf she tried 2 accompany me thru text msg, making me smile n laugh lyk she usually does wen i nid her by my side. thanks alot bestie. ohya, it was interesting 2 hear each othr's toilet bloopers. i wonder if her bf noes abt her funny bloopers in da toilet. hahaha! anw, here's abit of our text msg convo:
Oreo: slipper jamban apr siul, tak prnah dgr
Hershey: yg slalu masok toilet den pkai uh. u dunno meh?
Oreo: dunno. hahaha.
Hershey: ni namenye nk kene dgn slipper jamban. hahaha! eh tkmo uh tk baik sey. nanti dolat kene hentak sink lagi susah plak.
Oreo: HAHAHA, nw i remember, bile i kecik kan, i mandi pey lame taw. dulu i uke main air uh, then got this time, i amek sabon badan beh i spread the soap all over the toilet floor, dah gitu, i maen slide2 uh, skali i terjatoh my pantat terhentak the ground saket siul, then my pantat blue black. hahaha
Hershey: walaowei, urs more kekek sia! hahahahaha... tu la nk main air kn. naseb pantat tk jadi baboon. hehehe! *laughs hard*
Oreo: hahaha, ur head. urs mre worse k. my pntat jady baboon? haha, TAK akan. mcm pantat princess adr la
ape saje je dier ni tau, i tink pantat gajah lagi lawa ok. can kiss2 n squeeze2. puas hati beb. hahaha! orite enuf of dat. anw, it was oredi 12am so she wanted 2 slp while i still cldnt slp. i was bored so i rummaged thru my drawer. guess wat i found? my School Graduation Certificate. wow, its been 2 yrs since i left sec sch life but i suddenly had d urge 2 read thru it once again. lemme juz type it out 4 u guys 2 read. so here are my O-level results.....
English Language - B4
Mathematics - C6
Science(Phy/Chem) - B4
Art - C6
Malay - A2
Malay(Oral) - Merit
Humanities(Hist/SS) - F9
CCA Points:
Leadership - 6
Enrichment - 3
Achievement - 4
Participation - 6
Service - 2
Total Points - 21
Grade - A2
Testimonial/Form Teacher's Comment:
A self-motivated individual who takes a keen interest in his course of study. Despite his soft-spoken nature, he is eloquent in expressing his views clearly and succinctly. Being attentive in class and receptive to advice, he seeks continual improvement and devises strategies for effective study.
As the class Vice-Chairperson, he stays focused on successfully executing all given tasks. His good interpersonal relations enable him to easily rally support of his peers. He is able to maintain composure even under pressure. Thus, he can be relied upon to make well-informed decisions on behalf of the class.
Being an active member of the Singapore Youth Flying Club(SYFC), he has proven his prowess and commitment on many occasions. He capitalises on opportunities for self-improvement by enrolling himself in courses like Intermediate Aeromodelling, Aircraft Maintenance Programme and Flight Leader Training.
His participation in the school Public Performance as a cast member is testimony to his willingness to tread in unchartered waters. He persevered and stunned the audience though he had no prior knowledge in acting and dramatic techniques. Thus, he can be relied upon to deliver when it counts. He remains unfazed by challenges and instead takes every setbacks as a stepping stone for success.
His relentless pursuit for excellence in any field he's involved in puts him in good stead for future endeavours.
there u go, done. haha... lyk i said, i was nvr gd in my academic matters. im juz those average ones who goes 2 sch 2 hav fun. i was surprised wen i got a B4 for my english bcoz i wasnt so gd at it till i started 2 read books. for da 1st tym in my life, i actually passed my maths in a major exam. how amazing cld dat be. science i was a lil ok but i tink dats da furthest i cld go. dun bother abt my art bcoz i was slacking thruout. malay was alwys easy 4 me. hehe! and err... humanities?? oh juz shut up wif all those grandmother stories. u are required 2 write so much tinks 2 juz ans one stupid qns. wat crap is dat sia. =.=
i was only doing my job as da class vice-chairman. at tyms i admit im one of those mischievous ones but not so bad as compared 2 my othr classmates. hehe! i tell ya, my class was da most rebellious among da sec 4 express classes. but in d end we were oso da most improved class. we cldnt b more proud den dat.
i changed my cca in sec 2 frm soccer to SYFC. i cant cope wif studies along wif soccer trainings wic was thrice a wk. so SYFC was da best 4 me as it was only once a wk plus i had a deep interest in planes n stuff dat has gotta do wif speed. but i only see it as a hobby bcoz i nvr had any real interest in becoming a full-time pilot. hahaha!
wen i came in into d audition 4 my sch public performance, i was juz merely giving it a try. honestly, i nvr acted b4 in my whole life so wen i was given a short script 2 act out, my acts r juz pure natural. i did wat i was suppose 2 do. da teachers frm drama club were quite impressed. nvr did i tot i cld do so well. summore one of da teachers is my form teacher so dat juz gav me alot more confidence n discipline 2 do better n improve myself bcoz i alwys trusted her.
wow, my post 2day is lyk a compo sia. hahaha... okok lets wrap it up. till here folks, hav a nice day ahead! (:
Oreo: slipper jamban apr siul, tak prnah dgr
Hershey: yg slalu masok toilet den pkai uh. u dunno meh?
Oreo: dunno. hahaha.
Hershey: ni namenye nk kene dgn slipper jamban. hahaha! eh tkmo uh tk baik sey. nanti dolat kene hentak sink lagi susah plak.
Oreo: HAHAHA, nw i remember, bile i kecik kan, i mandi pey lame taw. dulu i uke main air uh, then got this time, i amek sabon badan beh i spread the soap all over the toilet floor, dah gitu, i maen slide2 uh, skali i terjatoh my pantat terhentak the ground saket siul, then my pantat blue black. hahaha
Hershey: walaowei, urs more kekek sia! hahahahaha... tu la nk main air kn. naseb pantat tk jadi baboon. hehehe! *laughs hard*
Oreo: hahaha, ur head. urs mre worse k. my pntat jady baboon? haha, TAK akan. mcm pantat princess adr la
ape saje je dier ni tau, i tink pantat gajah lagi lawa ok. can kiss2 n squeeze2. puas hati beb. hahaha! orite enuf of dat. anw, it was oredi 12am so she wanted 2 slp while i still cldnt slp. i was bored so i rummaged thru my drawer. guess wat i found? my School Graduation Certificate. wow, its been 2 yrs since i left sec sch life but i suddenly had d urge 2 read thru it once again. lemme juz type it out 4 u guys 2 read. so here are my O-level results.....
English Language - B4
Mathematics - C6
Science(Phy/Chem) - B4
Art - C6
Malay - A2
Malay(Oral) - Merit
Humanities(Hist/SS) - F9
CCA Points:
Leadership - 6
Enrichment - 3
Achievement - 4
Participation - 6
Service - 2
Total Points - 21
Grade - A2
Testimonial/Form Teacher's Comment:
A self-motivated individual who takes a keen interest in his course of study. Despite his soft-spoken nature, he is eloquent in expressing his views clearly and succinctly. Being attentive in class and receptive to advice, he seeks continual improvement and devises strategies for effective study.
As the class Vice-Chairperson, he stays focused on successfully executing all given tasks. His good interpersonal relations enable him to easily rally support of his peers. He is able to maintain composure even under pressure. Thus, he can be relied upon to make well-informed decisions on behalf of the class.
Being an active member of the Singapore Youth Flying Club(SYFC), he has proven his prowess and commitment on many occasions. He capitalises on opportunities for self-improvement by enrolling himself in courses like Intermediate Aeromodelling, Aircraft Maintenance Programme and Flight Leader Training.
His participation in the school Public Performance as a cast member is testimony to his willingness to tread in unchartered waters. He persevered and stunned the audience though he had no prior knowledge in acting and dramatic techniques. Thus, he can be relied upon to deliver when it counts. He remains unfazed by challenges and instead takes every setbacks as a stepping stone for success.
His relentless pursuit for excellence in any field he's involved in puts him in good stead for future endeavours.
there u go, done. haha... lyk i said, i was nvr gd in my academic matters. im juz those average ones who goes 2 sch 2 hav fun. i was surprised wen i got a B4 for my english bcoz i wasnt so gd at it till i started 2 read books. for da 1st tym in my life, i actually passed my maths in a major exam. how amazing cld dat be. science i was a lil ok but i tink dats da furthest i cld go. dun bother abt my art bcoz i was slacking thruout. malay was alwys easy 4 me. hehe! and err... humanities?? oh juz shut up wif all those grandmother stories. u are required 2 write so much tinks 2 juz ans one stupid qns. wat crap is dat sia. =.=
i was only doing my job as da class vice-chairman. at tyms i admit im one of those mischievous ones but not so bad as compared 2 my othr classmates. hehe! i tell ya, my class was da most rebellious among da sec 4 express classes. but in d end we were oso da most improved class. we cldnt b more proud den dat.
i changed my cca in sec 2 frm soccer to SYFC. i cant cope wif studies along wif soccer trainings wic was thrice a wk. so SYFC was da best 4 me as it was only once a wk plus i had a deep interest in planes n stuff dat has gotta do wif speed. but i only see it as a hobby bcoz i nvr had any real interest in becoming a full-time pilot. hahaha!
wen i came in into d audition 4 my sch public performance, i was juz merely giving it a try. honestly, i nvr acted b4 in my whole life so wen i was given a short script 2 act out, my acts r juz pure natural. i did wat i was suppose 2 do. da teachers frm drama club were quite impressed. nvr did i tot i cld do so well. summore one of da teachers is my form teacher so dat juz gav me alot more confidence n discipline 2 do better n improve myself bcoz i alwys trusted her.
wow, my post 2day is lyk a compo sia. hahaha... okok lets wrap it up. till here folks, hav a nice day ahead! (: