juz now in da mrng i only drank plenty of water 4 sahur. no mood 2 eat or watever. i was in bed, plugged in my MP3 n listened 2 songs while tinking abt bestie. earlier dat nite, she texted me abt sumtink wic has been bothering her.
Dearest Bestie,
i dunno how i shud react. shud i b angry or disappointed? im angry bcoz he did tis 2 u n i totally cant accept it. he doesnt pity u at all. it makes me mad 2 see sum1 else hurting u, even if he's ur own bf. in d othr hand, u too made a mistake. u didnt tink clearly enuf in da 1st place wic ended u up in tis situation. u made da wrong move, now u hafta pay 4 it.
at da same tym, im disappointed too. u dun deserve all tis shits. i mean juz look at u, ur a wonderful gal wif a gr8 life ahead. u dun deserve all da wrong doings dat he made n den u urself hafta suffer wif it. its unfair 2 u rite? but again, u'll nvr learn till u realise ur own mistakes.
nel, mistakes doesnt mean dat ur stupid. take it as a learning point in ur life. so dun u ever hate urself orite. i noe u might hav made mistakes here n there down da road but its ok. i noe ur not perfect bcoz nobody's perfect. neither do i. nevertheless, no matter wat i'll still b rite here 4 u as a shoulder 2 cry own. i've known u 4 quite sum tym so there's nonid 2 b shy. i can assure u dat i'll nvr let go of ur hand n face wat ur going thru 2gthr wif u.
we shall mit up soon ok. as 4 now, dun wory urself too much. keep ur chin up n smile alwys sweets. love u bestie... <3