sory 4 da lack of updates. been bz helping bangla wrkers build swimming pool at da carpark uh. haha! k stupid, i noe. anw, tis is random k. i rmb wat sufian was toking abt wen we chatted at msn. we noe each othr father's name bcoz there's a history behind it. haha...
ok 1st victim, sufian. its easy 2 rmb his dad's name, juz rmb da letter 'J' bcoz his dad's siblings all their names start wif dat letter. but not JAMBAN eh! he'll get mad. hahaha...
2nd, razzak. we were watching da movie Narnia wen one of da character said, "For Aslan!" so we were lyk, "huh? for mazlan??" bcoz his dad's name is Mazlan. hahaha!
3rd victim, syahrul. juz rmb 'Burn the Ashes'. so u take all d ashes(abu in malay) n burn(bakar in malay) all of it. and d end result is abu + bakar = Abu Bakar. yup, there u go. hahaha!
4th victim, harith. it was during sec 2 n were having literature class. our teacher was Mrs Cheah. she used 2 make fun of his dad's name n screaming "Sulaimaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!" wif her i-dunno-wat-the-hell essence. hahahaa...
last but not least, me myself is one of da victim. da reason is simple, my full name is actually very long. okok fine, its K_ _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ bin K _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ _ . long rite?? go figure. hahaha!!!
so dats d end of da story. lets change subject. wat shall we tok abt?? hmmmm... ohya! juz got my exam results. i was scared man i tell ya. my heart was pumping reali fast as i entered my sch website 2 get my results. i dowan any disasters 2 struck again. last semester i took 5 subjects n i failed all of dem. i took da supp paper n failed 2 subjects wic is Emath2 n ComProg.
tis semester im retaking those 2 subjects plus da new ones so in total i hav 6 subjects 2 handle. i dowan fail all sia, die sia lyk dat muz go supp paper 4 all of dem. if i fail Emath2 again, say byebye 2 TP oredi, kena kick out frm sch. die lehh muz go NS oredi... but no worries, i managed 2 pass bof Emath2 n ComProg. yay! but i failed 2 of my new subjects wic is MCT n POD. meaning i've got 2 supp papers. nvm uh, out of 6 subjects, i failed only 2 rather den failing all. nitemare sia. so now muz concentrate at bof my supp papers wic im taking nxt wk. wish me luck!
currently texting wif my fren eyfa. she tot im blogging abt her. wait long2 k beauty. wait till ur beast, wic is me, turns into a prince. hahahaa! sory jkjk only la. and ya, erah wanted me 2 blog sumtink abt her bcoz she said its been so long since i last blog abt her. skrg baru prasan eh babe? haha! so i promised 2 blog sumtink abt her(she said muz puji her till kembang) but will do so only if i hav da tym. insyallah tmr uh k gal. den muz blanje me bandung plus 'roti prata yg dlm dier ade daging' ok? hehehe...
now im bloghopping. almost evry blog i wen to, mesti ade personal prob, most notably is abt love. well, i didnt say i dun hav one but its weird. i mean i shud consider myself lucky bcoz sum othr pple r having probs more complicated den mine. oh well, dats life. and those pple having probs, pls dun stress urself too much. it hurts me 2 c u guys tis way. so cheer up orite. here's a video i hope can release ur stress 4 a moment. enjoy n laugh as hard as u can! (:
ok 1st victim, sufian. its easy 2 rmb his dad's name, juz rmb da letter 'J' bcoz his dad's siblings all their names start wif dat letter. but not JAMBAN eh! he'll get mad. hahaha...
2nd, razzak. we were watching da movie Narnia wen one of da character said, "For Aslan!" so we were lyk, "huh? for mazlan??" bcoz his dad's name is Mazlan. hahaha!
3rd victim, syahrul. juz rmb 'Burn the Ashes'. so u take all d ashes(abu in malay) n burn(bakar in malay) all of it. and d end result is abu + bakar = Abu Bakar. yup, there u go. hahaha!
4th victim, harith. it was during sec 2 n were having literature class. our teacher was Mrs Cheah. she used 2 make fun of his dad's name n screaming "Sulaimaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!" wif her i-dunno-wat-the-hell essence. hahahaa...
last but not least, me myself is one of da victim. da reason is simple, my full name is actually very long. okok fine, its K_ _ _ _ M _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ _ bin K _ _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ _ . long rite?? go figure. hahaha!!!
so dats d end of da story. lets change subject. wat shall we tok abt?? hmmmm... ohya! juz got my exam results. i was scared man i tell ya. my heart was pumping reali fast as i entered my sch website 2 get my results. i dowan any disasters 2 struck again. last semester i took 5 subjects n i failed all of dem. i took da supp paper n failed 2 subjects wic is Emath2 n ComProg.
tis semester im retaking those 2 subjects plus da new ones so in total i hav 6 subjects 2 handle. i dowan fail all sia, die sia lyk dat muz go supp paper 4 all of dem. if i fail Emath2 again, say byebye 2 TP oredi, kena kick out frm sch. die lehh muz go NS oredi... but no worries, i managed 2 pass bof Emath2 n ComProg. yay! but i failed 2 of my new subjects wic is MCT n POD. meaning i've got 2 supp papers. nvm uh, out of 6 subjects, i failed only 2 rather den failing all. nitemare sia. so now muz concentrate at bof my supp papers wic im taking nxt wk. wish me luck!
currently texting wif my fren eyfa. she tot im blogging abt her. wait long2 k beauty. wait till ur beast, wic is me, turns into a prince. hahahaa! sory jkjk only la. and ya, erah wanted me 2 blog sumtink abt her bcoz she said its been so long since i last blog abt her. skrg baru prasan eh babe? haha! so i promised 2 blog sumtink abt her(she said muz puji her till kembang) but will do so only if i hav da tym. insyallah tmr uh k gal. den muz blanje me bandung plus 'roti prata yg dlm dier ade daging' ok? hehehe...
now im bloghopping. almost evry blog i wen to, mesti ade personal prob, most notably is abt love. well, i didnt say i dun hav one but its weird. i mean i shud consider myself lucky bcoz sum othr pple r having probs more complicated den mine. oh well, dats life. and those pple having probs, pls dun stress urself too much. it hurts me 2 c u guys tis way. so cheer up orite. here's a video i hope can release ur stress 4 a moment. enjoy n laugh as hard as u can! (: