i wanted 2 ask dat SOMEONE out 2day but since she's alwys bz, i decided 2 ask kelly out as she said she nids a date. but she's not confirm yet. instead, eyfa agreed 2 accompany me. yay! beauty n da beast! (:
it was raining heavily wen i left hse. made my way 2 hougang int 2 mit eyfa at 3pm. i was in da bus wen she called me saying she juz reached hme frm outside n dat she's gonna b abit late. haha... tkpela. so i reached hougang int n juz 2 kill tym, i explored hougang plaza. den eyfa called again saying she's otw oredi n asked me 2 wait 4 her at alighting point.
she said her 1st impression wen she saw me was she tot im quite tall as seen in pics. but nope, dats juz in pics. im quite short reali in real life. haha... as 4 me, my 1st impression on her was dat da top half of her face looks lyk my sis sia. serious. den if i look at her at an angle frm da side, she looks lyk my cuzzin suyanti. serious sia. hahahaha!!! well, tis 16 yrs old gal is small but she's cute u noe. a very soft spoken gal n polite too. so ya, waited 4 da bus n off we wen 2 orchard.
it was quite a long journey there n we juz chit chatted in da bus. as tym goes on, i get more n more comfortable wif her. reached far east plaza, da 1st tink she wanted 2 go was da toilet. haha! den headed 2 ion. it was her 1st tym there n i had 2 act as a tour guide n she as da tourist. hahaha... soon entered da shop wic i wanted 2 buy da bag. eyfa was lyk urging me 2 try those lady-like handbags bcoz she argues dat it looks gd on me. reali mehh?? i look lyk gal sia eyfa. u anyhow only. hehe! paid 4 da bag wic i bought n den boredness sets in.
decided 2 get out frm ion n took a bus 2 another new mall, orchard central at somerset. notink much, juz window shopped. there was tis shop n she saw domo kun bear. she got excited. hahaha! now i realise many gals r crazy abt domo kun. orite, soon we found an empty sofa n took a rest. we were tinking abt where 2 buke puase. she badly wanted 2 buke a banquet but as far as i noe, there isnt any nearest banquet arnd. i even called sufian 2 confirm n he said da nearest is at bugis. wahh, peyy jauh. haha!
so eyfa being da manje2 gal n me being sum1 yg suke manjekn org, i had 2 tink hard of how 2 get 2 bugis. eyfa so lucky bcoz i manjekn her. haha... in d end there's a bus dat goes 2 bugis. boarded bus 7 n alighted at bugis. walked till raffles hosp but wen we reached da banquet, it was oredi full. so juz buke plain water n sat at a nearby sitting place. we tok2 as we waited 4 those pple 2 finish their meal. kesian eyfa kene tunggu eh. dier dh mengidam tu. hahaha... plus eyfa tot im wearing contact lens. nope, my eyes r natural dark brown.
soon we got a table n had our meal. i had lemon chicken rice n orange juice while she had roasted chicken rice n orange juice. eyfa, nonid thank me k. haha... its my treat la. while eating, took pics. kekek uh eyfa. i swear she's a very nice gal ok. den she asked me 2 teman her hme. ofcoz i will. cam tk phm je la eyfa ni. dh kua wif u den tkkn i nvr teman u hme rite. imma gentleman u noe. huak! kk stop it.
took bus 80 to hougang. ohya, eyfa suke my nose eh? very mancung eh? hahaha! so alighted at hougang int but i waited 4 her 2 board her bus 1st b4 i myself board my bus hme. overall it was a gr8 tym spent wif her. thanks alot eh eyfa, had fun wif u juz now. beauty n da beast! (: