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amacam, cool tk? hot pink siol, sexy gile. haha. anw, tadi go out wif fadhil n anuar. fadhil nk beli camera nye bende at tamp mart. den mit anuar n off to century square. i wanna repair my watch. da metal strap came off. biasela, dh tenat seyy. i've been using tis watch since sec 3 u noe. legend sia. haha. so aft happily getting it repaired, took mrt to vivo. notink much, juz window-shopped.
den check2 inie n her frens oso kat luar so decided to join dem. frm vivo, da 3 of us guys took bus 10 to cityhall. anuar was lyk begging not to take bus 10 as it leaves him wif bad memories. korg tk perlu tahu ape. haha. but as soon as he stepped into da bus, fadhil n i clapped our hands. baik uh anuar, wat a major big step towards mankind! hahaha. kk mepek.
saw d above pic? yeahh, anuar saw it. if u look closely, da logo of tis bank building cam cacat gitu ehh. hahaha! anw, alighted da bus, headed to marina square. window-shopped again b4 having dinner at BK. standard uh, tkkn nk mkn at long john. tk kenyang je. hahaha. so while eating, inie n da gals came. they waited 4 us 2 finish eating. aft eating we all go play bowling. sape kalah kene bogel. hahahha!! no la, jkjk only. aft eating we walk2 arnd wif da gals la.
so frm tis pic onwards, its all at singapore river area. da gals decided to walk there n we, da guys, juz go wif da flow. they took lotsa pics wif my camera but i juz upload sum of it je. eh korg, dh pkai camera aku mesti kene bayar ehh. if not, blanje aku baju frm topman! hahahaha. lek uh, jk only la.

saw me sitting alone there? haha. aku tngh pasrah uh. my watch pecah lagi! wth seyy, i juz got it repaired earlier den it broke again. haishh. mayb its tym 2 buy a new one. kuang ajar btol. mentang2 fadhil beli jam baru, kau pun nk suroh aku beli jam baru la ni. u wait ahh, i buy grandfather clock sia! hahahahhaha... kk bedek uh. haha. ohya, sape yg pkai camera aku tadi kn, korg share duit uh buy me a new watch. deal? hahaha!

korg knl tk tis gal? tk knl? alamaaakkkkk, amacam bleh tk knl ni. korg tk bace berita harian ke? gondol uh korg. haha. she's da gal yg kua at berita harian front page. she's da top malay student for N-Level results. mit Aiyu Yuhanis! haha. for those yg dh tahu, gd la. haha.

arnd 9 plus we made our way hme. took mrt to bedok wif da gals. den da gals headed to kfc while we da guys go mac 2 chill. we tok kok, play psp n oso planned where 2 go for our nxt n last outing wic is on tis coming thurs b4 sch reopens. as u can see, i bought oreo cheesecake. sedap oi. bile tngh mkn tu, teringatkn my nelly sweetheart uh. hehe. well, i've said b4 dat OREO makes me happy wat. haha.