yest sch ends at 1pm so aft sch i headed back hme. rested 4 awhile b4 going out again at 5pm to mit da boys. ate early dinner at Food Culture. at 7pm watched Sherlock Holmes movie. blablabla, aft movie sufian had 2 go off 1st while da rest chilled at small mac. by den it was oredi 10pm, i was supposed to mit someone but since she isnt hme yet, we cancelled it. plus i tink its kinda late at nite oredi to be going to someone's hse. so ya, chilled wif da boys till 11pm. razzak's dad even called me to ask where his son is. haha. i told his dad dat he juz boarded da bus hme. we are gd boys u noe, we dun stupid tinks. haha.
as for today, i hav no sch while sum of my othr frens hafta come sch. haha. bcoz today sch is halfday till 1pm only. my timetable stated dat i hav emath lecture at 11am-12pm while da rest of da lesson are aft 1pm. since its halfday, i only hafta come sch for only 1 hr. waste my tym only, better stay at hme slp rite. summore attendance arent taken for lectures so can skip. haha. and my classmate called me earlier asking if i wanna join dem play soccer in sch at arnd 2pm. wow, how tempting. haha. i alwys say yes to soccer but not today bcoz i hav so much 2 do rite now. i havent bathe, i havent eaten, i havent done my workouts. sory guys i cldnt play. besides i dowan 2 tire myself as i'll be spending quite a long day outside frm hme later on. i'll explain why.
will be going for countdown later on. those confirmed going are me, fadhil n syahrul. 3 pple only. small rite? i noe. haha. i was hoping for atleast 3 more pple to join but cldnt figure out who as many pple dat i've asked out are busy celebrating it wif their othr frens n famlies. im not sure abt titi n sulas yet coz they havent reply me. anw, i'll be meeting fadhil n syahrul at arnd 8pm tonite. den we shall proceed to Marina Bay area. one tink dat i dun favor much abt da place is dat confirm got lotsa matreps. tatink siak. but nvm uh, i go there 2 enjoy n be happy. haha. so yeahh, we gonna stay out till da whole event ends. aft dat mayb we juz slack at town till mrng. i've told mum abt tis n she allows me to go bcoz she trusts fadhil n syahrul.
ok till here, i wanna bathe, eat, do workouts. mayb sleeping again so i'll be fresh to party till da nite. hahaha! tc evry1 n byebye.