i've got sumtink 2 say here. tis part of my post is referring to a guy named AYIM, who added me in msn n creating havoc. dude, whoever u are, u said imma loser juz bcoz she didnt invite me 2 her blog. well, u can say dat but now u hafta take back ur words. i wanna prove u dat im not a loser n yes, i've proven it 2 u. i sumhow managed 2 read her blog. at 1st i dun reali believe u but aft reading her blog, guess u were rite. evry single tink dat u told me was true. yeah ok, i believe u now. but aft all tis, i dowan u 2 mess wif me anymore. ohya, one more tink. stop disturbing her life.
and now, tis part of my post is 4 da gal i mentioned above. gal, i tot u reali hav changed. but i was wrong. so wrong. frm ur blog, i found out dat u lied 2 me quite alot too. there was once, not long ago wen u did such major mistake. u promised u wld change n wun disappoint me anymore. but wen i read ur blog, wats all tis shit? u broke our promise. u are full of ur bloody lies. wen i saw u n dat damn guy, all i wanted 2 do is 2 go up 2 him n giv him a sucka punch rite in his face. yeah, he may be bigger den me but rmb, my heart is alwys stronger den da size of his body. im not even scared of confronting him. but on 2nd thoughts, i juz walked away. bcoz why? bcoz its better 4 me 2 control the anger in me. furthermore, i noe i've alwys been rite all tis while whereas u were d one playing fools wif me. u noe ur wrong. u may lie 2 me or hide frm me but rmb, im 18 n much more older den u. u cant fool me easily. notink cld describe how im feeling rite now. i tried calling u 2 get tis settled but why da heck didnt u pick up my kol?? if its true u did notink wrong n dat u didnt even lie 2 me abt a single tink, den why shud u be afraid 2 face me?
*I am tired of always being the good guy because people would mistaken me for having bad deeds.*
and now, tis part of my post is 4 da gal i mentioned above. gal, i tot u reali hav changed. but i was wrong. so wrong. frm ur blog, i found out dat u lied 2 me quite alot too. there was once, not long ago wen u did such major mistake. u promised u wld change n wun disappoint me anymore. but wen i read ur blog, wats all tis shit? u broke our promise. u are full of ur bloody lies. wen i saw u n dat damn guy, all i wanted 2 do is 2 go up 2 him n giv him a sucka punch rite in his face. yeah, he may be bigger den me but rmb, my heart is alwys stronger den da size of his body. im not even scared of confronting him. but on 2nd thoughts, i juz walked away. bcoz why? bcoz its better 4 me 2 control the anger in me. furthermore, i noe i've alwys been rite all tis while whereas u were d one playing fools wif me. u noe ur wrong. u may lie 2 me or hide frm me but rmb, im 18 n much more older den u. u cant fool me easily. notink cld describe how im feeling rite now. i tried calling u 2 get tis settled but why da heck didnt u pick up my kol?? if its true u did notink wrong n dat u didnt even lie 2 me abt a single tink, den why shud u be afraid 2 face me?
*I am tired of always being the good guy because people would mistaken me for having bad deeds.*