finally exams are over yest. meaning i cld enjoy! haha. so ya, aft exams headed down 2 tamp 2 mit suyanti n fadhil. sufian, razzak n syahrul tagged along too. fadhil wanted 2 look at watches as he's planning 2 buy one. accompanied suyanti 2 hav her meal at food culture b4 all of us took mrt n headed 2 town.
syahrul hasnt been 2 ION yet. haha! bdk kampung pe kau. so we decided 2 go ION 1st. furthermore suyanti starts wrking at 6.30pm so in a way we kinda send her 2 wrk too. haha. reached ION, suyanti started wrking at Rubi's while da rest of da guys window-shopped. entered alot of shops namely lyk Topman, Fred Perry, UniQlo, ZARA, Splash n' Flash(or was it spelled d othr way round?), Adidas n lots more.
ohya, i was on a mission. wic is 2 take as many pics as i can wif total strangers dat i met outside BUT they muz be female strangers. i realise guys nowadays usually finds it hard 2 approach attractive women dat they lyk or interested in. it cld be dat they hav no confidence in themselves 2 speak up 2 those women or simply juz too shy, afraid dat they might get rejected.
so i tot it wld be a gd practice 4 me 2 approach women dat i dunno n instead try 2 interact wif dem. in tis case, by taking photos wif dem. haha. 1st few tries was ofcoz nervous for me 2 approach dem but by da 3rd try, i felt i was in charge n grew more in confidence. it was easy as ABC. haha. i realise it doesnt matter if they reject me or wat as long as im having fun taking photos wif dem. but rmb, my main objective is 2 take photos wif dem n boost my own confidence infront of women. dun ever tink im taking a chance 2 flirt orite. haha. besides, there's no exchanging of numbers. so yeah, along da way thruout orchard i managed 2 take pics wif 10 different gals. was only rejected by 2 gals. reason was they were shy. haha. but its ok, i juz told dem thankiu very much 4 ur attention n walk away. (:
okok back 2 story. we were tinking where 2 hav our dinner at. sufian's mind was jumbled up btwn BK n Pastamania. haha. lazy 2 elaborate wat happened but we all decided atlast 2 hav dinner at Pastamania. da food was not bad, 4 thumbs up i suppose. aft filling our stomache, we juz slacked arnd. it was oredi 10 plus by den. wow, dat was fast. haha. so called suyanti n she said she's finishing her wrk soon. we guys den waited 4 her outside her shop. haha. headed hme aft dat. suyanti seems 2 be lyk da princess of da day. we sent her 2 wrk n fetch her frm wrk. shud do dat more often. haha.
overall i feel its a great day spending wif da boys. a perfect outing 2 unwind aft such a crazy wk of exams. da boys are planning 2 go shisha nxt wk. syahrul suggested dat we bring along a gal each. i dunno if he's serious abt it but if he is, den i might better start tinking of who 2 ask out soon. hmmmm... lets see, wic one of my female frens shud i ask her out. haha. ohya, hopefully suyanti n fadhil cld tag along too, now dat wld be awesome! (:
Tips #1: Smile
Tips #2: Maintain good body posture
Tips #3: Maintain eye-contact
Tips #4: Have something in mind to talk about so as to start a conversation
Tips #5: Enjoy the pleasure! (:
syahrul hasnt been 2 ION yet. haha! bdk kampung pe kau. so we decided 2 go ION 1st. furthermore suyanti starts wrking at 6.30pm so in a way we kinda send her 2 wrk too. haha. reached ION, suyanti started wrking at Rubi's while da rest of da guys window-shopped. entered alot of shops namely lyk Topman, Fred Perry, UniQlo, ZARA, Splash n' Flash(or was it spelled d othr way round?), Adidas n lots more.
ohya, i was on a mission. wic is 2 take as many pics as i can wif total strangers dat i met outside BUT they muz be female strangers. i realise guys nowadays usually finds it hard 2 approach attractive women dat they lyk or interested in. it cld be dat they hav no confidence in themselves 2 speak up 2 those women or simply juz too shy, afraid dat they might get rejected.
so i tot it wld be a gd practice 4 me 2 approach women dat i dunno n instead try 2 interact wif dem. in tis case, by taking photos wif dem. haha. 1st few tries was ofcoz nervous for me 2 approach dem but by da 3rd try, i felt i was in charge n grew more in confidence. it was easy as ABC. haha. i realise it doesnt matter if they reject me or wat as long as im having fun taking photos wif dem. but rmb, my main objective is 2 take photos wif dem n boost my own confidence infront of women. dun ever tink im taking a chance 2 flirt orite. haha. besides, there's no exchanging of numbers. so yeah, along da way thruout orchard i managed 2 take pics wif 10 different gals. was only rejected by 2 gals. reason was they were shy. haha. but its ok, i juz told dem thankiu very much 4 ur attention n walk away. (:
okok back 2 story. we were tinking where 2 hav our dinner at. sufian's mind was jumbled up btwn BK n Pastamania. haha. lazy 2 elaborate wat happened but we all decided atlast 2 hav dinner at Pastamania. da food was not bad, 4 thumbs up i suppose. aft filling our stomache, we juz slacked arnd. it was oredi 10 plus by den. wow, dat was fast. haha. so called suyanti n she said she's finishing her wrk soon. we guys den waited 4 her outside her shop. haha. headed hme aft dat. suyanti seems 2 be lyk da princess of da day. we sent her 2 wrk n fetch her frm wrk. shud do dat more often. haha.
overall i feel its a great day spending wif da boys. a perfect outing 2 unwind aft such a crazy wk of exams. da boys are planning 2 go shisha nxt wk. syahrul suggested dat we bring along a gal each. i dunno if he's serious abt it but if he is, den i might better start tinking of who 2 ask out soon. hmmmm... lets see, wic one of my female frens shud i ask her out. haha. ohya, hopefully suyanti n fadhil cld tag along too, now dat wld be awesome! (:
Tips #1: Smile
Tips #2: Maintain good body posture
Tips #3: Maintain eye-contact
Tips #4: Have something in mind to talk about so as to start a conversation
Tips #5: Enjoy the pleasure! (: