finally, nelly left a comment on my tagboard! hahaha. been a wk since i heard anytink frm her. its great 2 hear dat she's doing gd n safe over there. oreo, if can tell me wic day n wat tym u will be arriving in singapore. insyallah i'll be there at d airport 2 welcome back u n ur famli. (:
Hi all students,
In June 2009, TP Engineering School organized an Overseas Study Trip to 2 European countries, Frankfurt / Esslingen / Stuttgart of Germany and Paris (City of Light) France. These two countries are well known in their rich historical heritage and culture, as well as their excellence achievements in engineering.
We are contemplating a 2nd run next year, and want to have an idea how many students are interested. To help us to plan in advance, we would like to invite students who wish to join the tour to reply this email simply stating your name and matriculation number. (Students from other TP schools are welcome to indicate your interest too)
The tentative details of the trip are:
1. Estimate cost about S$3,000. Reimbursed by PSEA if you are a Singaporean and below 26 years old. You can check your PSEA (formerly Edusave) account balance at Tel. 6260 0777
2. Travel during 2010’s April or June term holiday, SIP/MP students are eligible.
3. Travel during Europe spring / summer season when temperature is good.
4. Flying by International airlines.
5. Tentative itinerary:
Day 1: Travel to Frankfurt/Esslignen
Day 2: FESTO / Mercedes Museum
Day 3: University of Esslingnen / Esslingnen old town
Day 4: Waldenbuch / Ritter Sport / Porsche Museum
Day 5: Stuggart / Travel (Train) to Paris, arrival 1800hrs
Day 6: Europe Disney
Day 7: Paris City Tour: Champs Elysees, Arc de Triomphe, Notre-Dame, Louvre's Museum, Eiffel Tower, Opera, Place de la Concorde
Day 8: Versailles / Paris, Montmartre - Moulin Rouge or Bastille – Bohemain district
Day 9: Free and easy, shopping at famous Gallery Laffeyett, Printemps in Paris; departure
Day 10: Arrival at Singapore
i received dat email frm my sch. i was so excited! who wldnt wanna go on a trip. im sure its gonna be fun n a memorable one. i've nvr been out of singapore for sucha long tym oredi n tis is my chance 2 go on a trip. my fren, tahir, told me he wanna go too. he felt much more encouraged 2 hear dat im interested 2 go. we share da same interest wic is travel arnd da world. but there's sumtink stopping us frm achieving our goal. da price of abt $3000 dat we hafta pay proves 2 be a stumbling block 4 us. where on earth are we going 2 get dat much money frm? i reali wanna go on da trip bcoz its once in a lifetime chance but if money seems 2 be da main issue, i might juz forget abt it den. haishhh... how sad.