i was awaken by loud banging noise at arnd 12 plus in d afternoon. i dunno wat it is but its surely disturbing me frm my sleep. so i cldnt get myself 2 sleep n decided 2 get outta bed. its been lyk 5 days since i last did workouts so juz now did a lil bit frm 1-3pm. den bathed, ate nasi lemak n was watching tv wen suddenly i rmb abt my date!
oh shit, Emma Watson is waiting 4 me at Botanic Garden sia! hahahahha... kidding. i rmb dat i hafta return da book dat i loaned frm da library. i havent even finish da whole book yet bcoz it is so thick n i hardly find tym 2 read it as im alwys out during da hols. haha. so grabbed da book n read as much as i cld but still wasnt able 2 finish. den i got a brilliant idea. i got myself ready 2 go out.
reached tamp library, i asked d information counter if i cld extend da loan period. she said no bcoz im not hansem. how cld she! hahahaa. kidding la. she said yes n asked for my ic or library card. wen she checked at da comp wat book i borrowed, she smiled n asked, "so u borrowed How To Succeed With Women?" i said yup n she gav me my ic back. wats so wrong wif borrowing dat book sia?? =.=
oh well, i wen up 2 da 2nd floor n found a seat. juz 2 kill tym, i read da book while plugging my ears wif mp3 music. how fascinating. haha. soon it was 8pm n i made my way 2 tamp mall. waited 4 dad 2 arrive frm wrk as he's accompanying me buy a new watch. blablabla, bought a metallic Addidas watch wic costs $168. terkopak oi duit. ni blom lagi beli grandfather clock. hahaha!!