u guys wanna see pics of me n my cuzzins wen we were small? one of my cuzzins uploaded these pics on his fb profile so i decided 2 post abt it here. haha. click on da pics 2 enlarge.

okok, lets tok abt sch. tadi sch okok je la.
emath class was fast. entered da room, teacher returns us our test papers 2 check marks. i passed! 55 out of 100. haha. den aft dat teacher said 2day there's no lesson. gerek kape! so wen down 2 canteen, met leeyana. ate lunch wif her n her buddies. den got a grp of guys sitting not far away frm our table. they all very gatal, nk attract leeyana. hahaha. i didnt noe leeyana is hot. huak! basket sia aku. so leeyana grabbed my neck n pretended 2 hug me. her buddies all terkejot sia she tiba2 uat camtu at me. i was lyk, kau pehal sia pelok aku? hahaha. she said she pretended dat i was her bf so those guys tk cui at her. huak! mampos sia aku leeyana, klau ur bf tahu kau uat camtu kat aku, ni mlm kepale aku kene pancung dgn bf matrep kau tu! hahahhaha...
emath lecture. plugged in my mp3 while my hands jotted down notes. i sumhow got bored. haha.
netfund lecture. i hate tis subject, tk phm siol. its lyk my brain not born to study tis kind of computers stuff. no life or wat. lyk nerd sia study tis tinks.
pod lab was ok. did afew qns wif my grp n den can go oredi.
so aft sch, met dad. followed him play soccer at eastcoast wif his othr wrk mates since 2day he's not working. gerek or wat play wif old pple. mainly bcoz im fast and they werent able 2 catch up wif me. huak!
k la, till here. before i end tis post, here's a song wic i wld lyk 2 share. enjoy! (: