"I believe you are a sensible boy, just that you need to control your emotions."
i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me. i muz not let my emotions take control of me.
As i sat on tis bench in sch n crunching on a packet of Oreo, my eyes stood still on a particular spot. Along with my MP3 music, i started listening to songs. da song made me tink. and all of a sudden my mind flashback on yest's phonecall. juz tinking abt it, i qns myself over wat had happened to me n why am i being tis guy. different tots kept running in my mind. i juz cldnt get it out so a pencil n a piece of foolscap paper will do. and here i am writing out my tots, wic will be transferred into my post wen i get hme to update my blog.
tis gal, there's alwys sumtink in her dat gets me drawn closer to her. i've know her for 1 year 2 months. its unbelievable because tym passes so quickly dat i felt as if i juz knew her afew months back. so much tinks has happened. ups n downs, bitter n swit. but if there is one tink i shud say abt us, it wld certainly be da fightings we had. evry now n den, there wld alwys be a fight btwn us. i juz dunno why. i tried to 4get abt her n leaving her behind in my past so dat i cld move on. but even wen i've moved on, sumhow situations wld led her into my life again. nope, i dun regret meeting her again in my life. mayb its true, i plan to get rid of her but its God's willing dat He still wans her to be part of my life. those fights we've had till now, mayb He wans it to be dat way so we cld learn sumtink frm it. its very heartbreaking to be fighting with her bcoz once again, either one will get hurt. and i hate it bcoz of a simple reason, i love her.

i believe dat gals mature much faster den boys. eventho im 19 n she's juz 14, its quite clear dat she seems to be alwys at a level higher den me. she's playful at tyms n loves to behave lyk any othr gals dat are of her age but i admit her way of tinking in a particular matter is much more matured den mine. mayb she's still part of my life so dat atleast she's sum1 who wld advise me wen tinks goes wrong. yest's phonecall wif her made me reflect abt myself. i totally felt bad but is grateful bcoz she's daring enuf to talk to me an be honest, even if she knew she wld hurt me. sumtyms she hurts me, and sumtyms i hurt her. either way, im sory for letting circumstances to reach to its limit. im sory for not being able to be da Herman whom she knew wen we 1st met. evrytink was smooth back den, i reali miss those tyms. but life isnt dat so beautiful bcoz there's alwys obstacles n challenges. we started drifting apart wen we fought frequently. sumtyms bcoz of a small matter, it turned into a major disaster. but da great tink is, over da nxt couple of days we wld get back to each othr n apologise. she gets tired of tis, me too. i noe dat btwn nelly n her, nelly alwys get along well wif me while she wld alwys ends up fighting wif me. i noe its not fair. i wish i cld make her happy for da rest of her life, nvr to hav conflicts with her. i noe it sounds silly n impossible to not hav arguments in life but atleast i cld try my best not to. and b4 i end tis post, i hav sumtink to say.
*i miss going up to da last floor where i cld see evrytink frm where i am. i cld see da Singapore Flyer, da cities n da horizon frm far. wen im at da top, i felt calm. da scenery juz soothes my soul. and wen i hav u by my side, its da most wonderful feeling ever. can we go to dat place again, please??*