see dat gal above, my new gf! hehe. no la, mit my fren. her name's Shikin. pretty rite. i noe. haha. was texting wif her wen suddenly she didnt reply me back. i tot she was busy or wat but wen i logged in into my facebook account, i received a msg frm her. she said she lost her hp n cldnt reply me back. no wonder la. haha. but evrytink's fine now, her mum bought her a new fone oredi. its lyk she got a new hp on da same day? wow, how cool! haha.
anw, today's O-level results. at 2pm sharp, i texted my sis Alifah to ask abt her results. she got 33 pts. wen i read her msg, my eyes were wide open. wahh, so jialat mehh! i asked how much she got for her Math n English coz i noe if she doesnt pass any of these two, its gonna be difficult. she said she got F9 for Math n D7 for English. wahh, sibei jialat oredi. i myself got C6 for Math n B4 for English sia. but its ok, its not d end yet. i got to noe dat majority of her class cldnt make it to poly. they are all in da range of 30 plus. lyk wtf, whole class plan oredi mehh?? haha! so now she plans to enter in Beauty n Spa blablabla, its a new course in ITE Simei. gd la, i hav someone to massage me n gimme sum spa treatment. hehe!
"I miss you so much, like the dark sky with no stars."
anw, today's O-level results. at 2pm sharp, i texted my sis Alifah to ask abt her results. she got 33 pts. wen i read her msg, my eyes were wide open. wahh, so jialat mehh! i asked how much she got for her Math n English coz i noe if she doesnt pass any of these two, its gonna be difficult. she said she got F9 for Math n D7 for English. wahh, sibei jialat oredi. i myself got C6 for Math n B4 for English sia. but its ok, its not d end yet. i got to noe dat majority of her class cldnt make it to poly. they are all in da range of 30 plus. lyk wtf, whole class plan oredi mehh?? haha! so now she plans to enter in Beauty n Spa blablabla, its a new course in ITE Simei. gd la, i hav someone to massage me n gimme sum spa treatment. hehe!
"I miss you so much, like the dark sky with no stars."