i dreamt abt u for 3 straight days. and tis mrng wen i woke up, i felt lost. in my dreams, i felt happy. notink cld describe how happy i was bcoz u were there wif me. but wen i woke up, dat dream had vanished. and u too, vanished into thin air 2gthr wif dat dream. i felt u werent there wif me anymore. i knew sumtink wasnt rite. and my memory flashback on da mrng of 1st january 2010. u texted me telling dat u juz got attached.
i lyk u, Oreo. but i reali lyk it if ur much more happier wif ur own life. wat else does a bestie wan if its not seeing a wide smile on ur face. i cldnt ask for more. i knew tinks wld slightly change starting frm now but at da same tym, glad dat u've found someone. so here i am, congratulating u n wishing u da best wif ur dearest AmirBoncet. im sure he muz be delighted bcoz he has been waiting for u for so long. juz dun wory much abt me as i'll be fine on my own. make sure u make him happy n smile lyk how u used to do to me. and oh, imy... <3
here's sumtink for u, a song wif lotsa meaning.
now tis is for someone else. aft so much i did for u, i dun tink i deserve watever dat has for me rite now. if u hate me, juz say it n i shall accept it. if u wan me 2 get lost, juz say it n i will go. make sure u reali mean it n u wun regret it.
u noe, sumtyms love n life can be tough. in love, i've give in for da 3rd time. in life, i felt as if i've been avoided again n again. but im still going strong. lyk wat my fren says - Anger is Weakness, Patience is Strength.
i lyk u, Oreo. but i reali lyk it if ur much more happier wif ur own life. wat else does a bestie wan if its not seeing a wide smile on ur face. i cldnt ask for more. i knew tinks wld slightly change starting frm now but at da same tym, glad dat u've found someone. so here i am, congratulating u n wishing u da best wif ur dearest AmirBoncet. im sure he muz be delighted bcoz he has been waiting for u for so long. juz dun wory much abt me as i'll be fine on my own. make sure u make him happy n smile lyk how u used to do to me. and oh, imy... <3
here's sumtink for u, a song wif lotsa meaning.
now tis is for someone else. aft so much i did for u, i dun tink i deserve watever dat has for me rite now. if u hate me, juz say it n i shall accept it. if u wan me 2 get lost, juz say it n i will go. make sure u reali mean it n u wun regret it.
u noe, sumtyms love n life can be tough. in love, i've give in for da 3rd time. in life, i felt as if i've been avoided again n again. but im still going strong. lyk wat my fren says - Anger is Weakness, Patience is Strength.