so as mentioned, yest wen out to orchard. da whole day was spent there. mind u, we gotta be fit enuf to walk back n forth frm one place to another. there's 6 of us(5 cousins + 1 fren). da 18 yrs old - fadhil, sulas, my sis alifah. and da 19 yrs old - me, titi, my fren syahrul. we headed to ION's BK first bcoz titi was starving n she's starting wrk at 6.30pm at one of ION's shops, Rubic.
so sent titi off to wrk while da rest of us decided to take a walk to Somerset 313. da place is quite interesting eventho we didnt reali had much tym to explore da whole mall.
aft Somerset 313, took a long walk back to Far East Plaza. my sis treat us Fried Mars Balls. thanks for da treat. haha.
ok so i bought a Topman shirt at Wisma Atria. another shirt to be added to my collection of Topman shirts. haha. by den it was oredi lyk 10 plus. we waited for titi to finish her wrk n so we sat down at CoffeeBean to hav a drink. and realising dat titi took a longer tym to finish her wrk, we moved to sumwhere else to lepak n play cards.