leftover pictures from cousin's camera:

i was already awake at 5.30am in the morning just now. cldnt get back to sleep. now im online but no one to chat with. besides my handphone has been pretty silent since last few months. my handphone sad u know, no one to text with. haha. should i just do some workouts now? because the last time i did was like last week? haha. ohya, will be going out later this afternoon with Fadhil and Syahrul. Sufian cldnt make it because he decided to rest at home since tomorrow he's working full shift. have fun working eh bro. dont worry, insyallah besok after gym aku datang try icecream kau lagi. haha. (:
hmmmm. what else can i mention here. ohyes, i've decide to not go F1 this year. well, not because i dont want to. but the bloody Sistics doesnt sell one-day pass anymore. all passes are for 3-days event. like wth man. cheapest 3-days pass i could get is $168 but i needa buy 2 passes as i cant be going there alone what. but if i buy 2 passes, it'll cost $300++ which isnt possible for me to get enough money. sad sia. 3 years of waiting to watch it live on the circuit but till now hasnt had the chance. i wish someone would sponsor me the ticket or bring me there as my bithday present. hehe.
love this song. for me, i would change the 'him' to 'her' in the lyrics. i wanna sing this song but i need someone to play the guitar. oh wait, the problem is can i sing that well? -.-