Saturday's soccer:
Sunday's outing:
helped kak Nor with their flea market. ended at 2pm, lepak at kak Nor's house and entertained her kids while waiting for another cousin to reach home from work. at 6pm kak Nor's family, uncle and aunty, cousin's fiancee, cousins and i headed to Northpoint. kak Nor suggest we have dinner at Seoul Garden. she already booked 2 tables to be reserved for the whole of us, which altogether has 14 people, the day before so when we came in, we were brought to our tables. like VIP. haha. soon Suyanti's family came followed by Suyanti herself who just finished her work and joined us. blablabla, ate our hearts out and as much as we could. we only left the place at around nearly 10pm, meaning almost 2 hours of nonstop food. wahh dasyat tu, betol nye makan seyy. haha. uncle sent us home afterwards. below are the pictures taken and the rest are on my Facebook.