just now played soccer with TP mates at Kallang Cage from 1-3pm. all from Mechatronics, except Syahrul because he's from another course. haha. managed to score a goal. usually i would score afew. so after our session ended, came another group, only to realise that they were also from our TP batch, just that they are from Intelligent Building Technology. a friend of mine was there and he asked me if i wanted to play again with them. i wasnt tired so Syahrul and i decided to join them for another round of soccer from 3-5pm. haha.
but on my 1st match playing with them, i had an injury. it was only my 1st touch of the ball when i was kicked from behind and somehow i fell awkardly to the ground with my right ankle squashed in. i heard a crack sound thrice on my ankle as i fell, unsure if anyone else that was close to me at that moment heard the crack thingy. ouch! the 1st thing that came to my mind was the vision of Eduardo and Aaron Ramsey's injury. they both suffered a broken leg. i was dead worried as i dont want to suffer the same fate and as i tried to pull myself back up and sit, i felt that my ankle was somewhat loose. i knew something isnt right because a moment later pain started to get in all around the affected part of the ankle. i tried not to panic and calm myself down as the other approached and circled around me to ask if im alright. obviously i wasnt and my friend Nabil slowly picked up my leg and straighten it. he made a circling movement on the ankle. eventhough it felt loose, i could still feel and move it abit. so he helped me pull myself up and i was quite relieved i could walk but slowly. made my way off the pitch, sat on the bench, took out my boots, checked on the ankle. i suspected a fracture in there, it felt very loose as if about to drop off my whole leg. eewwww!
i waited for the pain to subside as i watched the rest play from the bench area. as soon as i felt ok, i put on my boots again and ready to enter. of course this time i was abit more cautious as not to damage the ankle any further. nothing went wrong, all was fine for me but after awhile Syahrul too got caught on his ankle. someone stepped the back of his heels and as he fell, he twisted his ankle. tros meraung satu corner sakk member. hahaha! we checked on him and assisted him out of the pitch. guess his injury's much worse than mine because after that he didnt come in to continue play. blablabla after some time playing, with caution that is, i nearly damaged the ankle again. but i was alright. wanna know why people get in with rough tackles on us? well, we are simply too good maybe. haha. kk stop uh, kerek sia.
after the session ends, washed up and i've decided today will be my last day playing soccer till i can finally recover. jln terhincut-hincut siol, camne nk main bola lagi. so this means starting this weekend, i will miss my usual soccer match playing for dad's team. damn, its so frustrating when im having an injury to live with. but soccer arent for sissies. haha. when i play, i play as if im going to war. anyway, have to accept this and hopefully i can be patient on dealing with it. notink much i could do now, i can only wait. wish me luck. (: