on fri nite fadhil, sis n i wen for a sleepover at cousin's hse at Yishun. it was for fun bcoz kak Nor wanted us to sleepover at her hse as da nxt day will be having kenduri arwah. besides, we can help out kak Nor takecare n entertain her two lil kids. haha. here are sum pics while da rest are on my Facebook.
upon reaching kak Nor's hse, we unpacked our stuff n den played wif da kids. da kids n their parents wen to slp while sis, fadhil n i were the only ones left in da living room. had chitchats, played cards. fadhil n i sneaky sneaky switched on abg Noh's PS3. we even called up Syahrul to ask how to switch on da game console. haha. arnd 4.30am fadhil n i left da hse as we were hungry. sis wanted us to buy her mac. so fadhil n i ate breakfast at da nearest mac wic is juz afew mins walk. reached hme, chitchat for awhile b4 going to slp at 6am. haha.
da very nxt day, we woke up at arnd 11am. only afew hours of slp. haha. kak Nor were busy getting her two kids dressed up. blablabla, washed up n off we left da hse at 2pm to go to another hse wic we gonna hav da kenduri arwah at. soon fadhil n i had to follow da rest of da guys to help out take da lauk-pauks frm cousin hse at Jalan Tenage and i dunno whose hse juz infront of Bedok North Sec. there's one part fadhil had to carry a container full of rice while i carried a container of gravy wic is much lighter. fadhil terkial-kial siol angkat. while waiting for da lift, he switched his container wif mine. i wasnt aware of it till i carried it. i said, "asal ni bende macam makin berat je." kak Nor was oredi laughing. haha. blablabla headed back wif da stuffs. notink much, juz a typical n usual stuff wic all kenduri arwah will have. da food was not bad.