Wednesday was spent going out with cousins and my sis. a trip to Marina Square where sis bought afew shirts. then Vivo where we hangout and also dinner at Sweet Recipe. with our bloated tummy, bused to Orchard where Suyanti's bf was waiting for us there and tagged along. reached home at nearly 12 midnight, i felt as if it was a Saturday night. haha. more pictures uploaded in my Facebook.
ohya, i had a hard time going to sleep yesterday night. the fan was bloody noisy with its creaking noise. u know the part when the head turns to the right and left and right and left and so on. fed up, i gave the fan a smack on the head. i heard something cracked. i thought i gave a little smack but actually it was a hard one because after waiting for a moment for the head to move again, it didnt. omg i just broke the damn thing. F-U-C-K. hahaha!!