today's outing with the boys was fun yet tiring - Razzak, Sufian, Syahrul and i. we played badminton! haha. this is like the first time im playing badminton on a real badminton court. normally when i was young back then, the void deck will be the most preferred place. haha. i never thought badminton would be this easy. at 1st i was abit rusty after so long not playing it but after awhile i got used to it and the rhythm was there eventhough i missed afew smacks. wow, im turning pro man! haha. if i knew i were this good, i could have joined badminton as my secondary school CCA and take up badminton as a 2nd sports, with soccer always 1st on the list. oh wells, after some time playing my right forearm eventually aches due to smacking the damn bloody shuttle COCKS with my racquet at full power. smacking COCKS hasnt felt so good as this one. if u get the joke, well done. if u dont, ur just as cocky as the COCK itself. hahaha! kk craps. so yeahh, played from 12-3pm. its so addictive. so boys, how about another day of badminton? (:
syahrul, razzak, sufian
so after getting ourself washed up, headed to Food Culture. food here we come! haha. Syahrul spotted a girl. jambu plak tuu! haha. she was sitting quite afew distance away from our table and from the side of her face, she really looks like Kelly. omg, i swear she looks just like Kelly. only that she's abit taller than Kelly. jambu siol, mcam nk mintak number je but then cannot, later Nelly marah. she said she'll punch my head if i do so. like real only la u Oreo. hehe! kk back to story, after eating we slacked at Starbucks. as usual, played cards. then around 6 plus off home.

before i end my post, see that girl up there? meet my pretty cutie friend, Adilah. hahaha! i think the edits she did on her picture fully fits her. now she looks like the cat from my neighbour's house, always making noise calling for its partner. they wanna make love at night. haha. so to Adilah if you're reading this, i think i saw your face in Just For Laugh Asia. baik ahh luuu pirate! (: